Kat-tun 14:00 26th June Osaka

Jun 27, 2010 00:37

Since I'm still completely flaily, here's something like a concert report.
Probably fail, since it won't be complete, accurate or chronological. Just what is left over in my mind.
I mean, YEAH KAT-TUN right in front of me. Not even a meter away.
By the way, I will through in some comparisons to the concert in Mie.

Ok, first of all they were late. oo
Secondly, no seats. Everything had been standings places. Like, everything hat been the arena.
In comparison to the Sun Arena in Mie and Osaka Jo-Hall it looked smaller. Probably just my imagination.

Anyway, I went to the concert with a friend of mine. Both foreigners and blond. *lol*
During entering the hall there had been a Japanese looking fan from Vienna speaking German with us.
That had been strange but funny. ^^

We had a place in B3 and since we were some of the first one entering there, we could stand in the back at the barrier. Later that transparent suspended platform would come down right in front of us. ♥

Currently one of my favorite songs is Fall Down and they still begun with this song. I missed the opening in Mie since I failed big time. I thought the concert starts a hour later and not at 11AM. So I heard noises from the inside. Took some time till I realized my mistake. *lol*
Awww, it's great how that big wall in the middle of the stage just collapses and then you can see this awesome stage display. This stage just looks fantastic. ♥
However around the third song (Fall Down, Real Face, ...) Kat-tun was right in front of me.
Including a Nakamura who winked at us. \^.^/ Got the first one. ^^v
They stayed there a while, started to introduce themselves and Kame couldn't stop to move his hips.

And now I have no idea about the chronological order. XD
Like I don't wanna remember slow songs or Going.
They started to sing Bokura no Machi de right in front of me... -.-;

In Mie Kame played the drums right before Koki's solo. He had been so adorable in Mie. ♥
In Osaka he was more like really, really, really affectionate with the fans. oo
Not that anybody would care, but he will have a hard time convincing me that he likes girls...
In Osaka he played guitar. More exactly this. The beginning of Smoke on the water from Deep Purple. *lol*
In Mie he left the stage, but in Osaka he accompanied Koki's Pierrot on the guitar.
Never thought I would hear this song live.
I head a Korean fan right beside me she kind of needed three times more space than me, was a Koki-fan, could produce high notes, complained all the time about not enough space and tried to push me away -.-;
He looked nice with the cap of his overall over his head and he should try to fix his English in his song. xD

Speaking of solo songs: I love Ueda's new solo Rabbit or Wolf?.
He's still wearing the same shirt than in Mie. There's German written on it... Welt unter Neuheit (lit.: World under newness) oh yeah, by the way, I'm German. ^^v
I'm still in love with the video of drawn wolf and rabbit stick-figures. In the beginning the wolfs are eating the rabbits. Till the rabbits transform themselves into evil ghost and start their revenge. In the middle of the song Ueda just takes his micro and spins around. awww ♥

Kame's song Lost my way nearly equals the greatness of Rabbit or Wolf?, even though I'm still living under the impression that he read too much Twilight or that the management thought about using the current popularity of vampires for their own profit.
It's kind of hilarious watching Kame sucking the blood out of a Kansai Jr. with all the noises going on. *lol*
By the way, he didn't come down crucified from the ceiling as in Mie. Had looked really nice. *_*
In my opinion he should have published this song as his solo and not Sweet.

Hardly anybody can tell me anymore that Kat-tun are too serious for their own good.
After that nice *caught* hot show, Kame went to the dentist. Probably to get rid of this tusks. I think Nakamaru never succeeded to get rid of them.
Additionally Kame had been a Kansai vampire. Suddenly he started to speak Kansai-ben non-stop.
So funny. The audience loved it! ♥ Nandeyanen! Not that he would have talked in any proper way, it had been complete nonsense. Jumping from one topic to the next one, suddenly he had been a vampire from the south of Kobe and in the next moment he declared the his origin is one of several Japanese hells. Not sure how Nakamaru could put up with it. xD

As soon as Kame was away Nakamaru started his beatbox. \^.^/ Still so awesome!
And some shadow play. *_*

Talking about nonsense... their Tengu corner. Jumping around on trampolines and playing a game. xD
Since we are in Osaka and Takoyaki are round they had to mention round objects till the balloon explodes in their hands. Basically they mentioned different kind of balls and used the same words all over again being confused why it hadn't been evaluated as correct. The best answer was from Kame: Nakamaru. XD
Kame had been the loser in the first show in Mie and this time it was Ueda. Koki exclaimed in the middle that he never had been a loser. (Anybody can tell me if this is right?)
After this small corner they had to make funny faces. Just imagine Ryo's famous grinning face. Exactly like this.

Oh, Koki remembered us once in the middle of the concert that they aren't Kanjani8. :P

Those small CM segment had changed since Mie. Kame walked down some stairs and Nakamaru was trying to play the violin. Just pay attention to Kame's hips. xD

This is getting longer and longer, anyway I have to mention the MC.
Kame seems to have a strange obsession to talk about showers and baths. In Mie he talked about going to the bath with the other members except Nakamaru since he still had work in Tokyo and in Osaka he told us about how they had to go back to the hotel to shower. oo? I guess they have no showers in the building complex?
At least Kame didn't talk about some kind of strange recipe like in Mie. I guess it's hardly possible to be more random than Kame. XD (However it had been nice to sing Happy Birthday four times.)
Can't remember much from the MC. oo? It's not like they would talk about a lot of important stuff.
At least Nakamaru mentioned the soccer worldcup. I'm myself still excited that Japan won against Denmark. Please continue like this!
Ueda talked about his solo lives in August and that the dates are already confirmed.
If I got him right he already mentioned the tour dates yesterday and since there hadn't been any shows for the Kansai region the fans went "EHHHH?!?!?" and complained a lot. Thanks to those fans we I can be glad about two shows in Kobe. ^^v
Have to get tickets for his birthday show. Will be awesome! ♥
Koki had the glorious idea (two minutes later they were discussing who had the idea. First Ueda claimed it as his own idea and then it had been Kame's idea *lol*) to take pictures with a digital camera. They gave it to Taguchi. XD What had he done as soon as he had the camera in his hands? He took a picture of himself. XD I have to admit it looked rather good. ^^v
Later they forced the Kansai Jr. to take some pictures of them and the fans. Not without failing to handle a camera. I mean, it's not THAT complicated to take a picture. oo?
Like in Mie Koki started to mess up the name of one Junior. xD In Mie Nikaido was forgotten all the time and they started to hit each other. This time Koki took the Junior behind the stage and they arrived seconds later in a reverse position. With the Junior holding Koki's right ear between his fingers. Bad child, Koki, bad child. XD

What else? They messed up D-Motion badly. oo
I would be surprise if they even got a tune right. oo?

Kame recognized us as the suspended stage went back to the front for the last time.
Winked at us nicely. XD
By the way, you just need a Kame Uchiwa and flail a lot and he will be more than happy to come near you, moving his hips and being affectionate. In addition the Tour T-Shirt shouldn't have slipped down one of his shoulders. Nice skin and muscles. ♥
In the case of Koki.. he had fun to sit on the suspended stage as it went down and kind of starred into my eyes for at least have a minute. We got a peace sign from him. ^^v
Yeah, I loved my place even though we had sometimes problems to breath properly. ^^;

They didn't play 7 Days Battle or Lips today. T_T
However I left the hall around two and a half hour after the start of the concert and I got some nice glitter stuff/ribbon from an older lady. The stuff ignored us completely and gave all the stuff to the fans on the other side. T_T

They didn't play any songs from their new album.... so nearly the same show as in Mie, just some set-list changes. ^^ Can't wait to see Hello or Right now live. ♥

Ok, finished!
Now I'm looking forward to their Kyocere Dome concerts.
Anybody in Osaka for the concerts? Or living here? I need more Kat-tun fans here and on my f-list. oo

concert report, kat-tun

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