Sep 22, 2010 03:54

since I am crazy

The setlist has been basically the same for all three days.
There had been slight changes on the last concert in Osaka for Ryo's solo and we got one more song for the encore.


Koi no ABO
Sakura Girl
Akaku Moyuru Taiyo
Hoshi wo Mezashite
Dacin' in the Street
Boku no Cinderella (Tegomass)
Yoru no Hoshi wo Nagameteokuru (Tegomass)
Iitai Dake (Koyashige)
- 18/09 Tegoshi
- 19/09 Massu
- 20/09 Yamapi Akanishi Jin
Endless Summer
Taiyou no Namida
Aki no Sora
Umareshi Kimi e
code (Ryo Solo)
Naiyou no Nai Tegami
Happy Birthday
NEWS Nippon
One in a Million (Yamapi solo)
Kibou ~Yell~

2hito/130000000 no Kiseki

Encore #2
Koi no ABO
Hadashi no Cinderella Boy (only 20. September 2010)

Concert Report

Let's have fun.
Kyocera looked pretty awesome if you ask me. Globe in the middle, circle stage (no, idea how I should name it oo), balloons and eight screens on the main stage and never ever forget the zeppelin flying around before the show starts. It fits the whole atmosphere~ and it's nice to watch it before the show starts. The person controlling it must have a lot of fun.

A few minutes before the show starts the zeppelin flies up again and as soon as it's in the middle the lights are going out and we get some nice messages of NEWS on the six main screens. At the same times there are three big balloons on every side of the stage coming out and are guided around. Lights on the globe and the projection of the milky way on the ceiling of Kyocera. Sooo pretty.
After paying attention to the instrumental music playing till NEWS are appearing I had to chuckle since it's part of the setlist later. In other words we get the instrumentals of Sakura Girl first, continuing with Summer Time, Akaku Moyoru Taiyou and Hoshi wo Mezashite. A lot of distracting things going on. XD Messages are pretty nice. I cannot really remember them, except that they are all happy about the concerts and they are hoping that we have fun. Interestingly we only have five messages and Yamapi goes last. He's the only one who added some English to his message → I hope you enjoy tonight. He goes international.
Anyway, there's no message from Koyama, They are working so nicely in circles for the whole concert. since he's doing the introduction with his voice and welcomes us to the Dome Shows.


So while they found very good ways to distract us, they pumped up balloons at every end of the circle stage. (Did you pay attention that it's exactly six arms? So one for everybody.) Of course, color coded. XD Koyama's voice announces Yamapi and on the opposite side of the main stage it goes BOOM and GLITTER and Yamapi appears out of his red balloon. They keep announcing one after the other always with some nice BOOM effects. It continues in a zigzag. Yamapi announces Ryo on the next arm on the left hand side, Ryo does Tegoshi, Shige, Massu and Koyama is the last one at the end of the arm in front of the main stage. They are all wearing their color coded glitter jackets. LOL
As soon as everybody is visible they start to walk to the middle of the dome (I will call it center stage from now on.) and get in pose for Koi no ABO. I kind of fail since I still don't get the hand movements for this song. Since they are doing Koi no ABO twice each concert, this part is like the serious first part of the PV.

The transition to Weeeek is accompanied with silver ribbons into the Arena and the first part of the stands. Like they ended one meter in front of me. A;ksdjfa;sdkjf I JUST WANNA HAVE ONE! They are silver and have the LIVE logo on them. Asldkfjal;dsf NEWS is still on the center stage which moves up now. Hey, we have some nice NEWS smilies projected on the ceiling. *_* It's so amazing how the whole Dome just goes YAY for Weeeek and basically it's NEWS walking in circle up on the center stage and hugging each other. LOL We have Koyama, Tegoshi and Massu on one side snuggling closer and Ryo, Shige and Yamapi on the other side. Awwwww. Mou ichou~

After Weeek is over the Dome gets dark and they are changing into pink jackets. More like throwing their glitter one's to the stuff and getting the pink one's one as fast as possible. Getting the hint? Pink, spring, blowing Sakura petals into the audience -> Sakura Girl. They have some nice CG on the screens. Basically Sakura petals and the Kanji for Spring 春, of course in pink. xD After some dancing the camera is focusing on Massu's hand, because he his written down the name of the song on his hands in Katakana and the other members around him form the Sakura petals with their hands.

As soon as the light changes from pink to blue we are in summer 夏 like the screens are telling us. Summer Time ♥ each member of NEWS walking from the center to the outter circle, keeping walking around and cheering us on. Best part is Koyama joining Shige on the opposite end of the main stage doing the raping part together. XD After that~ they continue walking around on the circle. Even more flower leaves at the end of the song.
I keep wondering why they didn't get any Background Juniors. Did they spend too much money on ribbons, flowers, glittering and CG?

Like the title of the song Akaku Moyoru Taiyou already tells us the Dome goes red and some autumn leaves on the screens, since we are in autumn 秋 now. They keep walking around, but now it's introduction time again. By the way the outter circle is some kind of screen, too, since they keep on changing the settings accourding to the song, like their names during introduction, the NEWS concert logo, imitating stars, etc. Highlights for introduction so far -> Shige on Saturday telling us that he loves Kei-chan. ♥ Ryo on Sunday kept saying Bonjour. Konnichiwa. Bonjour. Don't ask. I have no idea. Bonjour? XD
Pi kept asking us if we are alright. LOL Yeah, take more care about yourself than your fans. -.-; Should I mention that they are blowing even more petals into the audience during this song? oo?

Anyway, back to blue lights and winter 冬. Hoshi wo mezashite. and even more leaves. LOL Every member is standing at one end of the arms on some platforms which can go up. There are light on the right and left side of it. The member who is currently singing gets white light while the others are in blueish light. Before the song is over they are going down again and walking to the center stage~

First new song from the album. Dancin' in the Secret Anybody else here keps thinking that it should be Dancin' in the Street? Freaking amazing what they had in their heads for this song. They are in the center stage and around them they have fire balls going into the air. Frequetly. Sometimes one member is singing and the others are kind of on the ground and winding around and walking after the member who is sining and it just looks awesome. Kyocera first in red lights and kind of changing into greenish lights later.

Tegoshi and Massu are going away as soon as Dancin' in the Secret is over to get ready for their two solo songs. The other fours are buying time for them through talking to the audience. Of course, Pi keeps asking us if we are alright. Ryo told us on Monday that his voice is already pretty over and that he's sorry for it. Shige keps babbling around nonsense you just have to love him and Koya starts talking to us about the new function of the penlight and when to use it. The penlight doesn't change its color, it's white. It keeps blinking in one function. For the first two days we had to use it at Cherish. Pretty funny to see those four walking to the main stage and the fans going crazy right and left of the "cat walk". However, Koya went Yamapi-sensei when should we use this function? on Sunday. LOL ♥ Pi was more like -> OH yeah, I know. oh no, I forgot. LOL In the end it was still Cherish. As for Monday it was apparently forever, but I didn't catch his English, I just got it later as they started to sing forever.

As soon as those four are of the main stage there's Tegomassu footage on the screens. Soon Massu appears on the right side and Tegoshi on the left side of the main stage riding on small elephants. Everybody familier with Ai no Tegomassu should know them. As for me -> I HAVE NO IDEA and was surprised that they can play around with steam out of their trunks. First Tegomassu song is Boku no Cinderella. As soon as they arrive on the opposite end of the main stage together the song ends and they are talking to us.
Till then I was living under the impression that sex sells. However, we are in Japan, of course CUTENESS SELLS. It's impressing how Tegoshi's voice gets twice as high as his usual speaking voice. oo
On Saturday he forced us to scream kawaii at him. Such a brat. LOL Usually he starts to ask us if we know Tegomassu. That's kind of like how the keep remembering us that they are NEWS. No it's not written like EVERYWHERE. LOL Isn't it good to know that they know in which group they are? Especially with Ryo playing the new Kanjani8 song Life later?

During talking they go onto the moving up plattform on that end of the arm from the center stage and are annoucing a song which is important for them as Tegomassu -> Yoru no Hoshi wo Nagameteokuru The whole dome in starlight. Have the image in front of you. Milky way on the ceiling, white penlights in the stands and arena, starlight on the circle stage. Sooo amazing. As soon as the plattform goes down again they are announcing Koyashige.

Koyashige -> ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
So yeah, basically Koyashige as the strong rivals of Tegomassu. The massages on the screen keep changing every day. I cannot remember Saturday, but we got a recording of Sunday. Anpanmanpan. WTF. Remember the song title? Iitai dake Just things I want to say.
As for lyrics -> here Thank you very much for posting them. They don't have to make sense.
I am grinning as soon as I think about it. Fucking amzing. Screen massages in the beginning on Sunday was a discussion between Shige and Koyama about reformation 改革 and revolution 革命. Shige keeping complaining. LOL As soon as that is over Koyashige appear on the center stage which is slightly up in the air. Both in glasses. Dorkist outfit ever. Funniest and hilarious dance EVER. NYA NYA Cat dance, Peace sign in front of their eyes, and a;sdkfjasldfkjsdflj I cannot even describe it. I can probably dance it. XD As for what is happening on the screens... THEY are singing about pretty random things and we get pictures for that. Like the Abiko train station, some dinos who are actually some Donburi, Koyama eating ramen.... etc. RANDOM
OMG it is sooo awesome. I am so glad that we have an audio recording of that song. I cannot get it out of my head. There's some clapping after they sing iitai dake CLAP CLAP iitai dake CLAP CLAP iitai dake de ii janai~
They are slowly working their way up to the main stage on the cat walk and as soon as they arrive there their corner starts. FREAKING BEST PART OF THE CONCERT if I have to choose. AWESOME Basically what you wanna say in different situations.
Since we already have a translation for the Sunday con~
On Saturday the best question had been for Koyama. What would you say if suddendly LadyGaGa comes into the Backstage room? Koyama was pretty cool about it. LOL They kept playing around with Fan, Fon, Fen, etc. Half of the time those two where complaining about the stuff and asking what that even is supposed to be. LOL
As for the backstage stuff on Saturday. We got Tegoshi. Being cute. Don't ask, I cannot remember. Massu on Sunday. I guess everybody wondered what he has done? At first he has done some push ups and then he blow a kiss into the camera. Awwwww.
On Monday... WE GO YAMAPI. YAMAPI doing some chin-ups in the background. HOT Anyway. He talked freaking English with us. ;asdkfasldkfja;sldkjf

-> Hi! ah, I am sorry. My name is Jin Akanishi. I am Jin. You want me singing? Oh, really? Singing? Ginger Sushi? Dance, Osaka! eh? HAI

Koya going like -> What did he talk about? I have no idea since he talked in English.

HAHAHAA Sorry, I died on Monday. They finally got really funny. XD
Anyway as for questions on Monday. OMG, so awesome.
Koya goes first -> when you are in a host club.

Host Club NEWS de yokoso
Watakushi wa Koyama Keichirou desu. Host!
eh? Change?

Shige gets the same question~

My catch phrase is....
eh? Change?

And now, nobody can even dare to say anything about this corner. AWESOME.
Where's this NEWS host club? I wanna go!!! LOL

Ok, in the end of the corner they are together on the micro and saying something together.
Saturday -> Koya was saying Kanjani8. LOL
Sunday -> I forgot it. LOL
Monday -> Ookii (big)
And they go like -> Wow, we said the same thing. XD
I love them so much. Such dorks. LOL

So end of the song. On the main screens. THEY ARE SO SCREWING WITH THEIR FANS.
Each line is seen on the screens in that row:

Debut next spring


we wanted to say that

SO SCREWING WITH US! a;sdkfjaskjf

So yeah, we get some credits, too. For every freaking picture.
Koya eating Ramen, etc. At least, Shige wrote the music and they wrote the lyrics together.
Not sure if I should be proud of them, but I guess it needs a lot of brain power to think about this much nonsense. ok, AWESOME nonsense. XD

OK. Calming down. Koyashige has to end. Unfortunately.
Next song -> Endless Summer
New cloths are hilarious. They told us on Saturday in the MC that Massu designed it.
Basically. Boots with coat. Glittering green shorts which start where the boots are ending. Shite shirts and coat around their necks. Slight changes at every member.
They are all on the main stage, standing in front of their balloons. Lights on the member who is currently singing AND more hugging action. We get Massu hugging Ryo, Koyama hugging Tegoshi and my favorite pair in this part Pi and Shige cuddling with each other. LOL
Fanservice. ♥

For the next song they are leaving the main stage to go onto the cars with some nice large screens on them. YAY for Sayaendo and some Shige name screaming. \^.^/ Pi, Massu and Shige on one side and the others on the other car on the other side. Time for throwing some balls into the audience. They move till the middle to meet up there and get off the cars.
Ryo's voice was really creepy on Sunday as he kept screaming Bravo! Bravo! at us. Just wanted to say it. Like -> WTF? oh that's Ryo's voice...? EH?

As soon as they are off the cars they assemble on the opposite of the main stage... as so often *cough* and it's Taiyou no Namida time. Looking at the globe at that time is pretty awesome. The globe is in red light and it looks like there's smoke in the inside. ♥ Nothing special to say about the dancing. oo It's what they have done for years.

Aki no Sora Time. They are back on the cars till they reach the main stage, but doesn't it look awesome? The balls in the center stage and those... no idea how to call those things at the arms, but it looks so awesome. Sorry for the bad pic, but yeah.. it's forbidden anyway. As soon as they are off the cars (the screens on them are funny, because NEWS are shown with some autumn leaves in the background LOL) they go to the center to the balls, and it goes slightly up.

They are still there for Umareshi Kimi e. Ballad time. -.-;
However, kind of sweet~ next song is better anyway. XD

Do you see what I meant with circle stage as a screen? XD
Ok, Be funky as being funky. We get balls.
ON OUR OWN. TO PLAY AROUND WITH THEM. and they even change their colors. XD
Arena must be a lot of fun. OMG so much fun. NEWS are walking around, playing with the balls from the center stage and stuff has fun to play volleyball with the stands.

Unfortunatly we get the balls just for Be funky. They are away as soon as Live starts. By the way, somebody from GreeeeN must have written it. Should have paid better attention at this part. LOL Best part would be Massu and Tegoshi meeting up on the circle stage and just jumping around with each other. LOL
I am not really into the song, but it's fun. XD
As soon as it nears it's end they are walking to the center stage and it's MC time.

Oh yeah, MC. I wasn't really impressed by their MCs on Saturday and Sunday, but Monday. Thank you, Tegoshi. Thank you.
They had stuff to talk about on Saturday. They kept complaining about doing nothing for one year and eight months. Best part was probably as they all went like -> Shige, you must have a lot of free time and Shige was like -> NO, I AM BUSY AS HELL. yeah, with 12hours of fishing with Ohno from Arashi. WTF I still don't get that pairing.
Anyway, highlight of Sunday was them talking about earpieces. Like there's K.K. written on Koyama's -> they kept joking around that it's Kamenashi Kazuya. so many Kattun references here.. LOL even the planets feel like stolen from BtR
So yeah, I will concentrate on the MC on Monday, since there are no translations up yet and I have loads of notes about the MC on Monday. So much fun. XD

So let's see they usually start of with complaining about the heat. THEY DO NOT EVEN GO OUTSIDE. Anyway, it continues to Shige talking about the cloths Massu designed, which are actually pretty hot. I mean, COAT. His comparision to the Coming of age ceremony was fun. Like the cloths are like a furisode and the coat like a obi. LOL They are just male and not wearing that stuff. Suddenly Ryo starts speaking and comments that Shige is cute. ♥ hahaha I never expected Ryo to speak a lot at MCs and then I got him speaking a lot, Koyama walking and flailing around and Pi being in his corner and just speaking as soon as somebody else starts speaking to him. Randomly, Ryo askes us if we have seen his movie. Of course the whole dome answers with -> "We have seen it!" 見ました。
No idea how, but we end up with Tegoshi telling us that he watched Sailor Moon in his childhood and that it is still in his head. LOL Massu for win as he does the Sailor Moon moves. LOL Massu tells us about the fireworkds Yoyogi thing. The stuff talked to him about Tegoshi wearing a Yukata and if it is alright with boxer and went basically crazy. Yeah, those Yukata are for girls, but he doesn't care anyway. I wouldn't either after those calendar shoots. Massu was cool about it and just said that he doesn't really care. XD
NOW IT GETS FUNNY. Tegoshi I don't like you, BUT THANK YOU. He just asked Yamapi what kind of Cosplay he likes on girls. Now the whole converstation just envloved. Pi doesn't have any idea about anything at all. Poor guy, no spare time. He couldn't decide and was fine with more or less everything. LOL However, Shige needed some attention and wanted to tell everybody what he prefers -> Nurses. hahahaha Next one was Massu who would have liked to have a girl in a Santa Costume. It's soon christmas girls. xD NOW Pi agreed with Massu's choice and made it his choice. Be happy, Pi, you haven't had to really think about it. They kept joking around that Tegoshi must likes girls in uniforms. XD Tegoshi kind of was envious of the girls of another school in his schooltime. Like... for two years kept thinking how nice they look in the uniform of not his school. LOL Nice way to waste two years, boy.
Cosplay was pretty hilarous. Next topic -> working places of potentional girlfriends
Massu likes girls in backerys. Yeah, I know what you think. I know what NEWS thought about it. -> she can bring food to dates. Massu got flustered and agreed. LOL
Ryo likes the girls at the beauty salons who are shampooing his hair. EVERYBODY IN NEWS AGREED, because it is such a nice feeling. XD
Shige did a really, really long explanation about his girl working in a flower shop. NEWS were listening... and as soon as he stoped talking, seeing that he cannot convince them anyway, they started to laugh at him. LOL
Koya was fun, too. Like, they teased him with a girl in a Ramen shop. XD
Yamapi, being Yamapi, told us that everything is alright. Shige had to butt in to try to convince Pi that the flower shop is the perfect place. LOL
Anyway, MC nears its end and they walk back to the main stage. CAT WALK.
Massu announces that he will play a guest role in a drama. Pi is talking about Ashita no Joe and that he lost weight. He's just freaking 54kg at the moment. Please, somebody get weight and meat on him. He's as bad as Kame during Nobuta. Stuff is nice enough to show us the Ashita no Joe trailer. The whole dome is dark and then the trailer on all the screens. *_* So far, the Soundtrack will be awesome. Why in FEBRUARY? How much CG can you add? oo? Too much rendering or what? No render farms in Japan?
LOL Pi tells us in a cute voice that he doesn't really wanna do boxing anymore. LOL
They keep talking about weight. -.-; Such a big topic in Japan. You are fine how you are. Do not lose weight. alsdkfjas;dfj
Tegoshi talkes about his Pokemon CMs. No, he just does the POKEMON GETTO DAZE movements and expects us to know what he is talking about. Ryo finally cought up with it. AFTER TWO DAYS OF MC THAT TEGOSHI IS DOING A CM FOR POKEMON. Ryo -> FAIL
Tegoshi just tells him that they could exchange Pokemon on his GameBoy. LOL
Ryo kind of wants to talk about his Yabeii CM, but he forgets what he wanted to say.

While they are still talking the stuff is preparing Ryo's guitar. On Monday NEWS kind of made fun of Ryo. LOL

(Ok, some notes for the MC on Saturday -> They showed us a pic of them eating together the evening before. As for Sunday -> It was Tegoshi's job to give the stuff people the picture, but he forgot it. Koya kept complaining. LOL However, they showed us the picture in the end of the Sunday con. As for Monday. No picture at all. Not even talking about it.)

Moving to Ryo's solo.
Gosh, he goes all I-am-so-innocent-and-I-have-no-idea-what-I-am-doing-and-isn't-this-kind-of-embarrasing? No comment. It works for Japan. -.-; It had been cute on Monday. LIKE CUTE. a;ksjfa;sldfj Now, I just cannot believe him. -.-;
As for Saturday and Sunday, he played and sang the chorus of the Kanjani8 song life. Fits the concert title LIVE!LIVE!LIVE!. On Sunday he told us that he wanted to change the song each day, but didn't have any idea for Sunday. As for Monday, we got a special medley of choruses. Aucoustic with his guitar. ♥ BEFORE he played Code again. -.-;

1. Yume no Kazu dake Ai ga umarete
2. Kanjani8's Life
3. 2hito/130000000 no Kiseki

and then we got him singing code.
No idea why, but he warned us of Tegoshi on Monday. Forgot how to play Code for a moment, since his head was still around Tegoshi and then continued. What we can see on the screens is fantastic. Different views of Ryo and later they go black/white. ♥ I don't like Code but this version is pretty awesome.

As soon as he is finished playing the guitar he tells us more about the person who wrote Naiyou ga nai tegami, which more or less introduces the next song. NEWS are all back together on the main stage. Now in red jackets and Shige with a baseball cap. LOL He looks so funny with that. We have some letters on the screen, them singing "No letter contents". Lights on them in front of the balloons as soon as it is their turn singing in the beginning. More CG effects. LOL

Transition to Happy Birthday is accompanied with Koyama remembering us of the seven years anniversary of NEWS and that he would like us to sing the song together with them. Screens and the circle stage keps NEWS congratulating to their birthday. LOL

As for NEWS Nippon they start walking around again. Everywhere and having fun. YAY Old footage on the screens from years, years, years ago. They end up at the platform at the end of the arms for Cherish.

As for Cherish plattforms are going up again. On Saturday a voice kept remembering us to use the special new function of the penlights. On Sunday it was already accomplished and on Monday nobody had any idea, because Pi wasn't speaking clearly with us. LOL
So plattforms are going down again, two are ending up on the main stage, three on the opposite and Pi is away. Needs some time to change into his solo outfit.

One in a million or in other words THE ONLY TIME WE HAVE JUNIOURS ON THE STAGE.
Soooo strange. oo There's already a fancam online, so~ I do not have to talk a lot about it. However on Saturday you could hear the voice overs. oo and his English had been pretty bad. -.-; He got better the next days. Reaction of the audience is pretty awesome as soon as he gets his glasses on. XD "I feel good. Thank you for let me dance" Nothing else has to be said about it. ♥

Lights out and spotlight to Tegoshi on the main stage and forever. He has the opening line. Three members joining from the other side of Kyocera. Lights on the middle catwalk and they are positioning themselves in a line. Till they are in the center and it gets up again.

Snow Express.... eventually I will start to like it. After singing it often enough at Karaoke. XD The planet ballons are back. BOOM and snowlike things are flowing down from them. I still have no idea what it is supposed to be. Snow....?
However, they are going back to the main stage. Going into position in front of the balloons.

Just if you are wondering why I keep talking about balloons. AWESOME, right?
So, basically during Wonderland it gets dark for a moment, NEWS are jumping down from the main stage, they appear on the screens while the light is on again, but you do not see them yet. THEN the hotair-balloons are going up. Pretty good idea.
They have quite a good view into the second floor. XD
Some notes -> "takai kabe" (high wall) and "don't sail away"
Most of the times lyrics are fitting on what is happening on stage.

During Teppen the balloons are moving to the middle. Acutally four people are holding the balloon down. askdfja;sfk

As soon as we are at Kibou -Yell- they lower the balloons down a little bit. Just let me tell you that Ryo is crazy. The song goes like -> bounce, bounce
RYO IS DOING THAT. He is jumping around in the balloons. WTF. Everybody takes more care and Ryo is just a;sdkfjasldfj having fun. XD They are back to the main stage after a full circle during two songs.

Time for Share ♥
Awwww, specially made for us. They go from the main stage to the center stage and move after the song is over and a lot of Thank yous to the opposite side of the main stage.
FIREWORKS TIME! XD As long as they are still on the plattform.
More or less last song. LOL After Share they go backstage. I didn't even have enough time to drink something and they were already back on stage. Just changed into T-Shirts.
Massu with a hat and Shige has the face towel around his head.

D.T.F. Let's become idiots.
I can just agree. They became idiots. FUN!!!!!!! awwwww
They are jumping around, having fun and coming up with stange dance movements.
Pi likes to get in front of the camera to do nonsense. Acts more like a camera whore. LOL
As for Monday he went into the audience to do some handshakes. oo
They didn't want to let him go and the fans put their arms around his weist. ARG
Of course, he kept smiling. oo I am impressed. He had a child on his arms, too.
The mother went crazy. oo
oh yeah, fun~

Sorry, getting out of words. Two/Three more songs to go. XD
As for 2hito/130000000 no Kiseki they are walking around and throwing sign boards into the audience till they assemble on the main stage, holding hands and making us scream NEWS.

Basically it should be over now. The announcer to show us the way out arrives on the main stage and keeps telling is it's over.
They let him do that really long on Saturday. LOL
Ryo came out and continued saying what the announcer was saying. LOL Like Nakamaru kept doing. LOL
On Saturday Shige kept coplaining that we were screaming Nyu-su and not NEWS. So we did some screaming training with him. LOL

As for Monday they were back pretty fast. Shige has the hairtie in his hair. Looks good on him. how about a haircut soon? Pi lay down on the main stage and made us scream more. LOL He just stand up after we screamed load enough at him.
I toldo you in the beginning that the first Koi no ABO version is the serious version, right? Now we get the second part. THEY ARE MAKING FUN OF THE LYRICS, forgetting when they have to sing and adjust them. LOL
"YOUTACHI, LASTO DA YO!" "My pace na Tegoshi" etc. and once Ryo sang a line in a bedroom voice. LOL

We kept on begging for another song on the other days but didn't get one. As for Monday, we got Hadashi no Cinderalla Boy Basically more walking around and thank yous.
They ended up at the main stage again and that was it. Tegoshi's voice sounded really bad in the end. I hope he is better till Tokyo

10 word pages again. WTF. I write too much.
Too tired to check spelling mistakes. I know it will be bad.... but tired!!!!

Written for all my friends who cannot be there with me.
and I so badly wanna have you with me T_T

concert report, news

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