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Comments 92

Perma vid on this end. spacetimeguard June 2 2010, 07:03:30 UTC
That is a cute dragon. Is like the others? [Head tilt.]


Same! art_and_sou1 June 2 2010, 07:09:14 UTC

[She blinks for a few moments...and then realizes that he must be able to see her drawing, and looks back towards it. The tiny Temeraire, meanwhile, flits around to behind her other shoulder.]

Oh, no, its just a drawing of mister Temeraire.... [And her voice trails off, because the drawing is no longer on the page.]


spacetimeguard June 2 2010, 07:10:23 UTC
No, dragon by shoulder? [He looks confused. Does she not see it?]


art_and_sou1 June 2 2010, 07:18:49 UTC
[...she's still staring at the blank page...trying to put two and two together...

And slowly, looks back to her other shoulder, where the small black dragon blinks at her, and says:]


[Her mouth drops open, and she can only stare a little more.]

Is...this...the dragon you mean, sir?


airspacecommand June 2 2010, 07:10:41 UTC
[Stare. And stare some more. Did he just see...? No, he was going crazy that is all. Which is why he was actually considering talking to the little girl in the first place. Craziness.]

... You do not know how human girls your age should act?


art_and_sou1 June 2 2010, 07:15:12 UTC

[She is not sure how to explain this, at all, and she's loosing confidence fast when being asked directly like this.]


[So she responds with all that she can think of--the truth.]

...I am sorry. I've only been a human girl of my age for about two years.


airspacecommand June 2 2010, 07:17:51 UTC
[Starscream was not expecting that sort of answer.]

Do not... apologize.

[This girl was far too slagging innocent. It unnerved Starscream.]

You have no reason to.


But, I am not the proper person to answer your question. My knowledge of humans is slightly biased.


art_and_sou1 June 2 2010, 07:22:50 UTC
Its...its alright.

[She...slowly starts to smile again, now that he's not being as confrontational.]

I...really do appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. Even biased information might be helpful?


epic_celestial June 2 2010, 16:31:16 UTC
It is working, Namine, do not worry.

But, er, your drawing...

[...He has no idea how to say 'it seems to have taken itself off the paper and begun to move around' without sounding silly, so he just trails off, instead.]


art_and_sou1 June 2 2010, 19:11:54 UTC
[The dragon, very readily fixed on Namine's comm unit, looked immensely surprised to suddenly hear himself.]

Oh, goodness. This seems to answer one of my queries, at least. I cannot be the real me, if you are the real me...

[Namine, meanwhile, was intensely still examining each of her crayons to try and puzzle through this unexpected event.]

Temeraire...[She looked up.] I am so, so sorry...I just wanted to bring you a nice drawing...


epic_celestial June 3 2010, 01:47:23 UTC
[Temeraire is so startled to hear his own voice emanating from the little black dragon that the video blinks on and off briefly, showing a startled Xiao for a moment before he realizes what he's doing and goes back to just voice.]

Ah... [He might sound a little faint (relatively speaking) with the surprise.] That...is me? Oh...my...

I did not know that art could...do that.


I'm so glad I checked. x-x I completely missed this. art_and_sou1 June 9 2010, 16:35:33 UTC
I...don't think that it is supposed to. I mean, my art...it...
...sort of did this, but...

Not so...um. Immediately.

[She sounds definitely flustered.]

Come to think of it, I don't recall existing before now, myself. This is rather extraordinary...and a little worrisome. Are you faring well, other...me?


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[Video] art_and_sou1 June 2 2010, 20:22:10 UTC
That would be really wonderful, Miss Pepper!

I have not minded all the extra time to draw, but I'm starting to feel somewhat useless sitting up here all day long... [It sort of reminded her of castle Oblivion, actually. And a bit of staying with Diz. This room wasn't white enough, though. It almost made her feel like she had skin tone.]

Hello also, Miss Pepper! I trust that you are doing better than I am?

[The black dragon peered closer at the comm unit, tilting its tiny head in puzzlement...until Namine tries to gently shoo him out of the way.]

Um...yes. I...

I figured that part out, but thank you!


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[Video] art_and_sou1 June 3 2010, 22:04:26 UTC
That would be amazing...thank you so much! [Its definitely helpful.] Though Safeguard just reminded me...that...I do have a few other talents.

I don't know if it would be any use, but...I can actually understand any language.

I...am not so certain about school, though. [She's never been to school.]

[She's actually starting to get used to the tiny black dragon, who has migrated to her lap and is holding a crayon for her.]

Oh goodness. You have one of the miniature dragons, as well?


shinysupergirl June 2 2010, 21:25:58 UTC
Looks like you've got one of the Firelizards to- Man, I so so cant believe I missed out!

[Blink. Well, that wasnt the oddest thing to ask, in her opinion- but still, not exactly expected.]

Uh, well, while technically I'm still eight, I suppose I still kinda count as a sixteen year old.

[She looks thoughtful, and hums to herself.]

Hmmm... I'm pretty sure that we're suppose to like, go to school and stuff- and maybe get a part-time job or something. I know some girls were working at Burgerbot- but I havent seen any fast-food places around here yet. Then again, I wasnt really looking.


art_and_sou1 June 3 2010, 08:34:37 UTC
The firelizards? [She blinked, and looked at the tiny Temeraire again...and then suddenly understood.] Oh! No...this...

...this is different, I think. [She had no idea what to do with him, either, but he seemed to be patiently inspecting crayons with her, helping out, so she couldn't complain for the moment.]

[But meeting someone else who was not their real age was, actually, very relieving.] Really? I'm only two, myself, but it didn't seem a good idea to introduce myself that way. How did you grow up?
[She wasn't a Nobody, that was certain--but maybe it was normal for girls to not age traditionally here?]

Oh, wait, you're new like I am! [She smiled.] Where is it that you've been staying?


asdadshkjh- Noti-fail shinysupergirl June 8 2010, 04:00:48 UTC

[Now that she looks closer, it does look a bit different from the one she saw.]

Two? Whoa- so you arnt a normal human either, then?

Um, I kinda tried to 'upgrade' myself with my key- I wasnt exactly sure what would happen, but this defiantly wasnt it.

[She grins back.]

Yeah- my friend, Optarus, has a place he shares with a few others, and so it wasnt too hard to find a place. Not sure what I'm gonna do for work though-- I've only had to worry about Tutor-bot up until now.


Its alright I've had issues with them too. x-x art_and_sou1 June 8 2010, 19:10:21 UTC
Miss Pepper thinks I might be able to work as a secretary or translator...

And Mister J says I should probably be in school...

But I feel so...strange...just pretending everything is 'normal.' What if I leave, tomorrow?

[Its been worrying her, a lot, even if she still can't get her portals to work right....but it suddenly becomes a lot less worrying with what is said next.]

With...with your key? [She suddenly sits up, clutching at the communicator with knuckles even whiter than her usual white.] You were chosen by the keyblade? [There'd be terror, if she felt emotions that had that sort of strength. As it is, she's suddenly very cautious--keyblade wielders did not have a particularly pleasant history in terms of Nobodies. Sora and Riku were exceptions.]


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