A birthday post

Jun 01, 2022 18:12

Hello folks! I have once again gone a while without writing, but today is my 36th birthday so, it seemed a good time to check in.

Things have pretty much been the same, which is why I haven't bothered to post about anything. Lots of stones, mostly small and not too much pain, except for last week when I had to induce a period and therefore got the dreaded Period Cramps + Stones Mambo that at one point made me seriously think I was going to have to go to the hospital. Thankfully the TENS made my muscles relax enough that the stones dropped down to where my mum could corral them out of me and prevented such a measure. Which is good, because God knows how seriously I'd be taken presenting to the ER with pelvic pain during my period.

In good news, my dad's back is doing a lot better. Turns out doing what the doctor recommends helps. Who knew? We also got a new hot tub installed and working after much trial and tribulation, and it is lovely and very helpful. Still no work on getting the bathtub functional yet, but the hose is working fine for now and we're coping. Paxxie is also doing awesome; he is out of doggie jail most of the day now and gets up for cuddles in the evening and is living his very happiest life.

Otherwise, we've just been chilling and doing some jigsaw puzzles and watching the Chelsea Flower Show on Britbox. I'm sort of writing a thing that I guess is a novel? I don't know. It's just for fun, but it's nice to be writing again and I'm getting to do tons of really interesting research for it, which is my favourite thing. I've been pestering Mum with my 'fun facts' for a couple of months now, but she's game for them, so I don't feel too bad about it. I'm also building houses for my characters to live in, which is fun. I like to have them in my head so I can move through the spaces and not confuse myself while I'm writing. I think I'm a bit of a set designer at heart.

We've had some interesting wildlife encounters around here. Mum saw a raccoon out a few weeks ago in the backyard of the house next door and on Monday night, she went out to water the plants and found some baby raccoons along the side of our house! She made me go look because they were so cute and OMG, they are so cute! There were two of them cooing away and just learning to walk and had the biggest, most concerned eyes! So sweet. Neither of us got close or stayed long, but it was cool to see. And this morning, in the midst of a massive thunderstorm, I spotted a skunk who is apparently living in our shed out foraging in our backyard. She was also awfully cute. She kept diving under the shed and then coming out and you could just see the 'shit, it's raining!' reactions as she went about her business. Pax is in a gated pen in the backyard, so we're hoping no unfortunate incidents occur with any of the fauna living there. We have a real menagerie this year.

Speaking of thunderstorms, we had a derecho hit us a week or two ago and my God it was crazy. We were luckily not in the hard hit areas, but there are still people without power in some parts of Ontario and Quebec.

Anyway, hope all of you are doing well or at least your best!

rantage and randomosity, misc./non-fic

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