New Glasses, Same Brain

Apr 09, 2022 08:13


I've had my new glasses for a few days now and it is a night and day difference to the old pairs. It's so nice to be able to just...see things at all times, without having to choose between near and far. I didn't have too much trouble getting used to them, so that was good. Though my eyes get tired around 7:00 every night and kind of go out of focus, like they're just over seeing for the day. I'm sure it will get better in time.

An interesting development has occurred in the process of adjusting to the glasses, however. I have long complained of text having a kind of 'halo' around it, sort of like when you add an outer glow in Photoshop. I assumed it was a problem with my eyes, which are shitty and have always been shitty. I mentioned it to the eye doctor this last time and she sort of shrugged it off, so I didn't think it was a big deal. I thought it might get better with the new glasses, but it didn't. So, I decided to do a bit of a Google and see if anything came up, and it turns out it can be a sign of dyslexia. And my first thought was 'oh, I can't have dyslexia'. I've always loved to read and read at several grade levels above my own, and obviously, I'm a writer, so it seemed impossible. Dyscalculia, yes, for sure, I've thought that for a while, but not dyslexia. For interest's sake, I did some research, I might have some form of mild dyslexia?

I'm not going to armchair diagnose myself, but I do fit a lot of the symptoms of it. I didn't know text isn't supposed to feel like you were chasing it around the page. I didn't know most people don't repeatedly lose which line of text they're on and have to find it again. Inability to distinguish left and right? Check. Can't tell time on an analog clock? Check. Misses out words when writing? Check. Poor handwriting, pain while writing with a pen, doubles or misses letters? Check. Trouble expressing oneself orally, including using opposite words like chair when you want to say table or fork instead of spoon, or getting stuck on a word or phrase that won't come out? Check. Like, I though these were all either things that everyone did or just that I did. Like Bard quirks that were Just Bard Things.

One of the suggestions I saw for the halo around text was to change the background to red or yellow and see if that helped, which it did so much. I also bought a cheap set of coloured overlay bookmarks from Amazon to see if that made a different reading on paper, and yeah, it just, like, pinned the words to the page, like it was holding them down for me to read. So, I don't know? It could just all be an eye thing. My problem is ambylopia (lazy eye) and the definition of that is my eyes don't work together. It's nice to have the workaround of the overlays, though, it should make reading and writing more enjoyable. It's just a weird thing to discover at almost 36 years old.

In other news, we have hella COVID here again, because our Premier is an idiot who decided to get rid of mask mandates. Masks are now optional, though I'd say about 75% of the people I see still have theirs on, including us. My brother tested positive for COVID a couple of days ago, though, and he always wears a mask. But he's been out at the gym and at restaurants, so more of a higher risk of exposure there. He says he's doing fine, and his wife hasn't tested positive yet, though last report said she was a little under the . They're both vaxxed and boosted, which should help. We're lucky though, my dad had asked my brother to help with something this past weekend and my brother forgot about it, so didn't come over. If he had, we would have been exposed.

The weather is getting nice again, and we're getting a new hot tub installed next Thursday. Ours has been broken for over a year, and I'm looking forward to the pain relief from having one again. Stones have been on and off troublesome, but overall, I think a little better.

Hope everyone else is hanging in there! The world is scary and stressful, so care take of yourselves!

rantage and randomosity, woe is me, misc./non-fic

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