I live!

Sep 10, 2022 18:19

My goodness, I keep getting worse and worse at posting here! My computer has been BSODing randomly for quite awhile, despite my best efforts to sort out why it's so upset (each time it did it, it was a different error message), so I was working mostly on my iPad, and I've never quite found the rhythm of typing long pieces of text on there. I tried reinstalling Windows but keeping my files, and that did not work, so now I've done a completely fresh install in hopes that will sort it out. I had to go buy flash drives to save my stuff to first and then work up the courage to do it. The Great Flash Drive Crash of 2015 was extremely traumatizing and I was so afraid of something going wrong in the process and losing everything again. But it went well and my files are safe, knock on wood. We'll see how Flynn likes his new start.

Things have been pretty good around here, for the most part. Very good on the kidney stone front. I'm just really, super exhausted, so I've been trying to rest a lot. It's hard to give yourself permission to do that, but Mum has given me strict orders and I'm trying to obey. I've been knitting again, which I haven't done in awhile and it's going very well. I have my first Christmas present done and and am starting on the second. I like to start very early due to how fussy I am and my tendency to change my mind on the pattern I thought I was doing and having to scramble to find something else. Mum and I are trying to get ahead of Christmas this year so we aren't so worn out and rushing everywhere. I've also been working on my singing voice and that's also going really well! I'm happy with the progress I'm making. I've also been practising my French on Duolingo. I feel like my creativity is waking up again a little bit.

Dad got COVID boosted last week and Mum and I did ours last Wednesday. Dad and I didn't have as bad a reaction as the last time, but Mum is not doing great. We can't tell if its the shot or season autoimmune flare up, or a combo. I have given her strict orders to rest, but apparently it's okay for me to rest but not her. I think that's a mom thing.

I have to confess the death of the Queen hit me harder than I would have thought. I was very teary on and off for the first couple of days, though that could have been part of the reaction to my booster shot. I've found it difficult to see such grief from the British public and feel bad that the royal family, especially Charles, have to be so much in the public eye during a time when they most need privacy. I did find the accession ceremony really fascinating, though. It's so archaic and I'm sure a lot people think it's silly to go through such rigmarole, but as a lover of history, it's just cool to see these sorts of rituals and the tradition behind them.

My grandmother, my dad's mother, bore, at least in my mind, a passing resemblance to Queen Elizabeth, and when I was a little girl, we had a portrait of the Queen circa her coronation in the school lobby and at Brownies that looked somewhat like my grandmother's wedding photos and, for many years, I thought it was a picture of my grandmother. I did not question why they should have a photo of my grandmother there, I just sort of thought 'yep, that's her'. I didn't know my grandmother very well, she had a serious stroke when I was very little, and died when I was about 10 or so, but even now, when I think of her, the image in my mind is closer to that portrait of Queen Elizabeth than I think my actual grandmother. Knowing what I do of my grandmother, I think she would find that funny and probably a little appropriate. She always joked my dad should have been Prince Charles because of how fussy he was when he was a boy.

Anyway, I hope, as always, you are coping through these strange and mysterious times and that soon we will stop living through major historical events.

rantage and randomosity, misc./non-fic

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