The twenty-year-old daughter of the jeweller Moisey Lipkovsky, Eva (second from left):
"Pajamas for every occasion were worn at the recent fashion show staged at the Majestic Hotel in aid of the Jewish Women's Benevolent Society. Above are the attractive models: Miss Polly Lessner, Miss E. Lipkovsky, Mrs. Lloyd, Miss Anna Harris and Miss Anna Finkelstein." Photo by Wei Fong. Image: The North-China Sunday News Magazine Supplement, May 1930.
Lipkovsky's daughter in law, Bertha (on the right):
"Mrs. Gray, Mrs. O. Fein, Mrs. Belemay, Mrs. G Korott and Mrs. Lipkovsky attend a birthday party for Mrs. Korott." Photo: World News. Image: The China Press, Nov 1940.