
Apr 06, 2010 14:55

your ≡ synaesthesia.What's everyone's opinion on catching for the sake of completing the Pokedex? Do you guys actually do that? Because while I try to, there are still some Pokemon that I've never given a second glance, as common as they were, even since Blue and Yellow. Like Psychics and Bugs. But mostly Bugs ( Read more... )

pokemon, axis powers hetalia, the world is full of assholes, meme, i think too much, what is this fuckery?

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kimchiburger April 6 2010, 07:02:45 UTC
RE: Hetalia Cosplay

I raged so much at the post tonight. I just... God, I can't believe how ignorant and insensitive these kids were. Sometimes I just want there to be a Common Sense test for people to take before they join fandom.

If you are cosplaying in a German military uniform do you:
a. Have fun at the photoshoot
b. Be cautious with your uniform
c. Have fun and be cautious
d. lololol Heil Hitler

If you choose D, then your internet is permanently cut off.


avenue April 6 2010, 07:11:32 UTC
I only found out about the issue like, 20 minutes ago. I won't bother reading the comments, because I might just get more pissed. I know what they'd say anyway.

I can understand joking around, and you can do all that Nazi salute shit in the privacy of your own closet (because then, at least, even if you are sort of an asshole, you're an asshole with tact and respect for others), but IN PUBLIC? ON EASTER? In a group that's obviously for attention, too? That is why it is beyond extremely wrong.

I sort of hope that they are on LJ, so they could see that post and see how much of an idiot they are. :|


kimchiburger April 6 2010, 07:16:18 UTC
Most of the comments are, reassuringly, filled with righteous rage with only one or two odd people stating that it was a *shrug* issue for them. 7 pages of people saying how that shit's not cool vs ~2 people being apathetic is pretty good I think.

I'm pretty sure a good chunk of the people who saluted were underage and there's the whole "They didn't know any better" argument, but that's no excuse for joking around about one of the worst genocides in human history IN PUBLIC, ON GOOD FRIDAY, ON PASSOVER, NEAR A PRUDENTIAL CENTER. I don't even-

According to one person on the Hetalia post, three kids who did it felt incredibly ashamed and were sorry for what they did (as they should).


avenue April 6 2010, 10:38:48 UTC
"They didn't know any better"? What the fuck, I'm underage, too, and I know way better. Now, if they were below 10 years old, then maybe they really didn't know better. But they're in the Hetalia fandom. They've gotta know something.

Were they only three?
They better be very very ashamed of themselves.


kimchiburger April 6 2010, 13:19:31 UTC
I know, right? That's why that argument doesn't really fly with me. However, I'm also painfully aware of the possibility of the American schooling system not teaching them enough about the subject. I know there are a lot of intelligent and sensible minors (like yourself), but the stupid ones like these always end up ruining things for everyone. =/ (edit: Not that the people who did them are ALL minors. Those who weren't are even worse off.)

There weren't only three. There were at the very least eight as far as I can tell.


avenue April 6 2010, 18:25:04 UTC
The educational system? Really? Now that's a complete shame.
No wonder Hetalia depicts Alfred as someone who doesn't really know anything about other countries, much less where they are. (No offense!)

/headdesk. My god. They really thought it was funny, did they.


kimchiburger April 6 2010, 18:29:32 UTC
None taken. We're all aware of the shitty education system. It's mostly "And then America showed up, kicked ass, took names, and everybody loved us." Well... I'm exaggerating, but we don't really seem to learn anything about actual world history seriously until college. =/ Or at least it seemed like that in my experience. There was this video I saw once where this guy asked random Americans to name a country that begins with the letter "u" and a crapload of them had problems. Of course, the video was biased to begin with, but still.

Oh America. /facepalm


avenue April 6 2010, 18:36:12 UTC
I guess so. I myself might only be able to name, uh, 4? Off the top of my head. And I'm not particularly awesome at geography nor directions in general, but I do believe I know more than the average American. It's pretty sad how pretty much everyone from the poorer countries think that America is better off, when even in the most basic aspect of a person's foundation, they are lacking.


kimchiburger April 6 2010, 18:43:03 UTC
Yeah, but they were making fun of the fact that they could have just said "United States" for that question. :V Haha...

America is better off in a lot of aspects. Our standards of living are much higher so while we're lacking in national common sense (derp derp) we make up for with higher quality medical facilities, primary education, etc. Still, doesn't stop us from sticking our heads up our asses.


avenue April 6 2010, 18:48:16 UTC
Well, yeah. Just expensive. Haha. Which is why even the "poor people" in America can be considered at least middle class here. But, that's getting off topic.

I don't mind the country, and really, there are a lot of Americans that have contributed much to the world, either academically or otherwise. But the a chunk of the citizens really just seem to take everything for granted. Which is too bad, considering you're living in a pretty good place, with a fair bit of opportunities.


kimchiburger April 6 2010, 18:56:09 UTC
Haha, whoa, this thread got derailed into a pseudo-discussion on America. Didn't mean for that to happen, sorry. :P

It's the same everywhere, ain't it. Just a small, vocal minority just ruins or make things harder for everyone. *sigh*

This comment needs to be kittened up.


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