
Apr 06, 2010 14:55

your ≡ synaesthesia.

What's everyone's opinion on catching for the sake of completing the Pokedex? Do you guys actually do that? Because while I try to, there are still some Pokemon that I've never given a second glance, as common as they were, even since Blue and Yellow. Like Psychics and Bugs. But mostly Bugs.

I mean, I'm the type who thinks that it'd be great to have a little bit of every element/type for battle strategy, but Bugs just seem like a lose/lose thing for me. They're not particularly strong, or fast, and spend most of their battle turns trying to recover from their disadvantage, instead of being as offensive as I usually want my Pokemon to be. And I'm pretty much all about strategy with regards to offense.

Idk though. I'm obviously over-thinking this.

Also, regarding that Hetalia issue: Cosplayers who think they are cool by doing what they did but are actually beyond the classifications of tactless and idiotic losers? GDIAF. For all our sakes. Thank you!

ps. My eyes hurt. ;3;

pokemon, axis powers hetalia, the world is full of assholes, meme, i think too much, what is this fuckery?

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