
Apr 06, 2010 14:55

your ≡ synaesthesia.What's everyone's opinion on catching for the sake of completing the Pokedex? Do you guys actually do that? Because while I try to, there are still some Pokemon that I've never given a second glance, as common as they were, even since Blue and Yellow. Like Psychics and Bugs. But mostly Bugs ( Read more... )

pokemon, axis powers hetalia, the world is full of assholes, meme, i think too much, what is this fuckery?

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Comments 22

kimchiburger April 6 2010, 07:02:45 UTC
RE: Hetalia Cosplay

I raged so much at the post tonight. I just... God, I can't believe how ignorant and insensitive these kids were. Sometimes I just want there to be a Common Sense test for people to take before they join fandom.

If you are cosplaying in a German military uniform do you:
a. Have fun at the photoshoot
b. Be cautious with your uniform
c. Have fun and be cautious
d. lololol Heil Hitler

If you choose D, then your internet is permanently cut off.


avenue April 6 2010, 07:11:32 UTC
I only found out about the issue like, 20 minutes ago. I won't bother reading the comments, because I might just get more pissed. I know what they'd say anyway.

I can understand joking around, and you can do all that Nazi salute shit in the privacy of your own closet (because then, at least, even if you are sort of an asshole, you're an asshole with tact and respect for others), but IN PUBLIC? ON EASTER? In a group that's obviously for attention, too? That is why it is beyond extremely wrong.

I sort of hope that they are on LJ, so they could see that post and see how much of an idiot they are. :|


kimchiburger April 6 2010, 07:16:18 UTC
Most of the comments are, reassuringly, filled with righteous rage with only one or two odd people stating that it was a *shrug* issue for them. 7 pages of people saying how that shit's not cool vs ~2 people being apathetic is pretty good I think.

I'm pretty sure a good chunk of the people who saluted were underage and there's the whole "They didn't know any better" argument, but that's no excuse for joking around about one of the worst genocides in human history IN PUBLIC, ON GOOD FRIDAY, ON PASSOVER, NEAR A PRUDENTIAL CENTER. I don't even-

According to one person on the Hetalia post, three kids who did it felt incredibly ashamed and were sorry for what they did (as they should).


avenue April 6 2010, 10:38:48 UTC
"They didn't know any better"? What the fuck, I'm underage, too, and I know way better. Now, if they were below 10 years old, then maybe they really didn't know better. But they're in the Hetalia fandom. They've gotta know something.

Were they only three?
They better be very very ashamed of themselves.


lumos April 6 2010, 07:05:18 UTC
Bugs are typically good at the lower levels, but not so much at the higher ones. So yeah, they do kind of suck, unless they've got another type on them (I've seen some pretty badass Scizors ngl)

As far as the Pokedex goes, I am a total freak about getting that as complete as possible. I may not want or need the Pokemon, but I must have them. xD


avenue April 6 2010, 07:09:09 UTC
I see. XD I'm right then. I never really got to have them long enough to see how they were on higher levels, but yeah.

I'm only half a freak! If catching ugly/weak pokemon didn't cost me a pokeball or anything, it'd be fine.


aroundight April 6 2010, 07:18:20 UTC
I catch eeeeverything. I don't know how I have so much cash in this game, because I keep wasting balls on everybody I don't have.

Though I never even bother training but pokemon. I catch all of their evolved forms separately because I'm lazy and it's pointless to raise them. The only ones I actually like are Butterfree and Scyther anyway.

RE: Hetalia - So much do not want I wonder how they manage around the general populace. How was anything they did acceptable? I just. AUGH.


avenue April 6 2010, 10:41:42 UTC
Lmao, good point. I do have the cash, if I force it, but y'know, in case I need anything else, I want to have the money for that, too.

Who said anything about being acceptable? :|


radicalfire April 6 2010, 07:57:16 UTC
Psh, I do that later. I only want to catch 9 or some pokemon that I'm actually going to use during the maingame. Right now, its Torterra, Staraptor, Luxray, Gallade, Gardevoir, Flareon, Togetic and Duskull. :P


avenue April 6 2010, 10:43:14 UTC
I....HAVE HEARD OF NONE OF THOSE POKEMON. (Except Flareon and Togetic) But they sound nice, I want them.
I don't even know how long it'll take to get my Togepi to evolve. :T


radicalfire April 7 2010, 00:25:58 UTC
I'm playing Pokemon Platinum. :P

Remember my friend, who memorised all the Natures and their stat boosts? At school, I asked the exact same thing, and he recited exactly how many happiness points I need. And how many steps to get a happiness point.

Everything is done by formula. It's like the Matrix.


alliterations April 6 2010, 08:07:50 UTC
You're not alone. I refuse to catch pokemon I don't like/think are ugly :|

and I've already said I'll I've had to in relation to the idiots at that photoshoot. Just. No.


avenue April 6 2010, 10:44:35 UTC
But...the Pokedex...! I almost slightly care. Idek what the point of completing it is.

I'm too tired to rant any further. Haha. People have done it for me.


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