Here I go again...Feh.

Jun 04, 2013 22:10

Yes its been happening again. The rude kids on the bus have been harrassing KTY and even assulting her. So it's been back and forth with the school, the district, and the bus company. Fortunately this time the bus driver isn't a reletive of any of the bad kids and really likes KTY so we have somebody on the front line on "our side".

The kids were bus suspended for a week, that ends today so tomorrow they're back on the bus abd this time the school believe's me when I say she won't be on tne bus with them. So they're sending a staff car for her. This is only a short term bandaide but it's better than nothing.

I've been getting a lot of run around and little response untill today so I'm not sure where things are going. I called last thursday and never got a call back untill today. I went from pained and polite and nice to nasty mother bear today and contrary to what the wife keeps trying to teach me I get results when I get loud and nasty. hmmm.
So the school says they want to help but who rides the bus and all that is up to the district, the district says it's up to the bus company, the bus company says all that is covered by the school and we go around again.
That and the folks at school have been dodging my calls. Since thursday. Feh!
But finally today there's been some movement and this person called me back twice and at the time they said they would. this person likes KTY and knows that if they don't fix the situation KTY won't be in school. So she is determined to fix it.

The bus driver is also determined to fix it and has been studying the rule book looking for things he can do, tghe man has an evil heart like me and I like that. He may just have found some ways if the swchool failes us and I tend to think they will. So there's hope.Still not good for my BP and general health and stress levels.

on a different note I've been getting models ready for the southern trip and got two more their annual AP and so that's good. I could really use about three more recievers than I have, and not the nice cheap ones either but three of the eighty dollar units. Hmmm. I'll figure it out or go without...
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