And the week goes around again...

Jun 10, 2013 13:44

Another week has come and gone and I've onlt gotten small things done.
Stripped the aft seats out of the Bus with no name and built a single bed platform. Mounted it in nice and strong I think it'll hold ok. I also built and mounted up a nifty shelf above the windshield so I have a place for my smokes, sunglasses and other bits I may need while I'm driving, cool.
So the bus is together enough to make the drive to the south lands.

I got all that done before Scatturday so I could go flying with Da Guyz. It was clear, warm, and for the first half of the day very light breezes. I got in a bunch of flights, some with older models I haven't flown in quite a while. Since I had to do an annual on one of George's planes I decided to do a few of mine too and I retested them on Scatturday. I'd forgotten just how much fun some of them are.
I spend way too much time trying to push my limits and forget to just enjoy the trip. Ok lesson learned, enjoy the trip. Got it.

Anyway the winds came up big time in the afternoon and when we gave up fighting that we all setteled down and bench raced for another couple hours and that was fun too. Sunday started out with twenty mph winds with gusts to thirty and that's kind of worthless for me these days since I can't make the hike to the good big lift soaring sites.

So I did other things. I drove the wife and KTE to their business thing and did some shopping. Bought a nifty travel case for my ritual tools so if I'm asked to do a wedding or something I won't have to improvise like last year. I also went to the cool hobby shop and bought some bits spending more money than I had figured on, so it goes. I had fun anyway.

Today is mostly bouncing around the house getting little things ready for the trip and working on a new hot rod EF16 for the WSE. I have to go to the pharmacy at som point to pick up some BP meds but other than that it's a fiddle about the shop kind of day.

The plan at this point is to go see the new doc on moanday, do shopping and final prep for the trip on tuesday. Cooking wednesday for the group dinner and leave early thursday morning, if not sooner, I'll have to see how ir goes...
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