Weekend up date, a bit late...

Jun 04, 2013 08:32

Saturdays was a great day, dawned clear and on the warm side with very light breezes out of the north west. I over loaded the bus with no name just to see how things fit and drove to the coast field. I got there early and set up. I even raised the pirate flag just for a bit of fun.
I got a couple of flights in right off, both the micro stunt plane (UMX Sbach 3D) and the Rhapsody biplane.. Both flew well and I really put the bipe through its paces. Yea me!
George came around early and so I was able to set up his new Leader 480 that I built for him and he got a couple of good flights on it. Made him very happy and both of us were satisfied with the model. Adding extra power in the form of a larger motor helped as did using digital servos for more presice control.

Sadly on his third flight he pulled a typical George stunt and tried to land downwind. Idiot.
This caused him to run out of lift near the end of his run and he came in way too low. When he saw he was about to hit the curb he powered up and leaned on the elevator as you do and unfortunately since he was going downwind he didn't give it enough power and slammed right into the curb. Shattering the port side wing and mangling the fuselage. Much shouting and swearing insued. Now I have the wrecxk in my hands and I get to try and fix the poor thing. I can do the fuse easily but the wing is beyond repair. So George has ordered a new port side wing panel and we wait for that to show up. What a pain and of course George won't take responsability for the crash, he claims the model glitched for no known reason. Idiot.

The rest of mt day got better. I got to fly my jets and stunt planes several times in the good clean air and gave a lesson in aerodynamics to my youngest student, and he ate it up. I also spent some time with my older students and taught a couple folks new stunts to practice. Yea me!
I got home late, burnt from the sun and butt dragging tired. But there was a parking spot right in front of our door and the kids helped with the unloading and cuppa tea. A good end to the day.

Sunday however was a blow out. Big winds, foggy, damp, and so on. So we hund out and bench raced for much of the day so at least I got some social time. Oh and I broke down and bought a nearly finished Mig 29 jet. Twin 70mm drives, servos and everything in place and well set up. Its very nice looking all fiberglass and red white and blue finish. Sweet. Big it is won't be able to f;y it at the normal field, but very cool. Ayup, over all a good weekend.

Monday and today are a very different story what with bullies and KTY school issues. But I'll get into that later. Today is shopping and prolly many phone calls to the school.
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