"uber" excitement.

Oct 23, 2019 10:12

I'm currently sitting at the mall updating from my phone. Thank God for free WiFi.

So yesterday was a crap snafu. I ended up having to walk home from BAM because the trolley was almost an hour late. 🙄 Gotta love Joplin drivers and factor in most of Joplin has no sidewalks on main streets. Why, no clue. Just is.

Anyway. I'm walking up to my house and notice a yellow note on my front door.

My heart sank. The jerks couldn't have waited till the 1st? I had signed up for utility assistance and was praying that Empire could have waited... No. They shut my electric off.

I had a minor panic attack, called Empire... $706. For what I thought was initially 3 months, but I looked at the bill again this morning... Nope, just for two. Oy. 🙄 *Sigh* So I called Lynda, who gave me suggestions. I followed up on all of them.

The only one who said that they might be able to help was my own church. So I'm praying hard, giving it to God, that He provides a way for this to happen.

So yeah, trying to explain to Axl that nothing in the house worked, that he couldn't watch his "toonies", etc was fun. 🙄 Not really. Of course, then I had the idea to check the battery on my laptop. Fully charged. So we watched a couple movies on it till it died. Lit candles.

I got hold of P, E, Paige, my family. Told them what was going on. My family, while broke, all really wanted to help but could not due to their own budgets. Which, ya know, I understand. I also got hold of my life group at church. Sweet Ms. Betty offered to teach me budgeting, but I already know how to do that. It's called "catching up bills my skeezy ex didn't pay", and unfortunately the electric was the only one I wasn't able to pay on due to paying the rest. Meh.

P came over last night, to make sure Axl and I were ok. Axl finally zonked out about 9, and P didn't go home till maybe 10. He used his phone so he and I could watch a couple episodes of this Amazon cartoon, "Fugget About It". It's this mobster family in witness protection, in Canada of all places. Very rated R lol... Language, situations, etc.

After P went home I text E for a bit, till I zonked out on him. I usually try to tell the folks i text that late if I'm fading/crashing/zonking out on them... But sometimes... 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can't call Ghostbusters.

Axl slept in his own bed again last night, which shocked me. However he got in bed with me about 5 AM. Still trying to break him of comfort nursing, but meh. He's going through a rough time, lots of changes, and he's actually doing quite well despite it all. I'm very proud of him.

I'm very thankful that I still have a place to live. Thankful that my water heater is GAS, thankful for a hot shower. Thankful for instant coffee!!! Thankful for friends and family who all love and care for my kids and I. And a job interview today!😁 I KNOW God has bigger and better for my kids and I.
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