Jan 01, 2011 09:47
It is now 2011 and time for all new things to start. Boy am I glad to say that after the past year. We had our ups and downs and trials to get through. We had time with family, time trying to make new friends, time adjusting to life on our own with each other.
2010 started off with quite the bang as my now mother-in-law was not happy to have her eldest son moving to GA. I still feel that she blames me for it, and I don't care much if she does. I do care that she makes her son feel bad about it all the time, and that she's going to make him feel that he doesn't want to go home to visit her soon. The year also brough us both new jobs. Tyler started his the first Monday of the year, and has been working his way in upward momentum. He's helped to set up a few offices now and is doing well with his clients and is well liked by the upper management in the company. Now that the year is up on the non-compete clause in his old contract with the company in PA, he might be able to get some more business with client companies he's dealt with before too. The job market wasn't much of a concern for me right up front as I came down on transfer with my company at the end of January. I soon found out just how backwards the company is down south and when management turned ugly I moved on in August. Things went swimmingly through August as we finished all the details for the wedding and I fell into place at the new company. It wasn't until September that I started to have problems again. This time it was a health issue that we thought might just be anxiety before the wedding. After dealing with it, blood tests, doctor analysis, etc. we currently think it may have been side effects to my birth control brought on by the stress of the wedding changing my body's chemical balances. I'm still waiting to see if we're right, if not 2011 will have me seeing a GI doctor. On the bright side I know it's not cancer because of my barium swollow pictures and analysis.
As I've said before the wedding went well. No problems during the ceremony and only a few party crashers during the reception. Tyler and I have been enjoying married life, and it gets better as my stomach continues to slowly get better. We've renewed our lease at the apartment for another year, and are preparing to go matress shopping at some point this week so we can both sleep a little better. As the holidays wind down my hours at BBW will wind down some more also and hopefully we will get some more time together. I have two sessions left until I graduate with my Associates, and I can't wait to see what doors that will open for me. 2011 is bound to be a good year, even if more relaxed a setting than last. My resolution is to learn to take time for myself and my family instead of working all the time. My hope is that Tyler and I can learn to do something new together, maybe dancing, and the time together will strengthen our relationship that my illness has not.
Happy New Year!
new year