(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 12:08

Today is the worst day of my life .. so far.. and not in the overly dramatic .. I'm a drama queen I broke my nail sort of way.. the real genuine worst day.

Fights with Steve again.. turns out he suggests we take a break.. although he told me that he cares deeply about me, he doesnt want to be with anyone else .. he suggests we "break" .. so that he can figure out if he wants to be in this relationship.

I've never been dumped or my heart broken so this is tramatic!!..

My relatinship is in limbo..

My father found out I smoke this morning..

I'm getting in shit at work over FUCK'IN filing because I do everything in this god damn department and I almost quit my job.

So today is officially the worst day ..

I hate not knowing.. I have real enternal pains right now and I don't know if it's my heart breaking or getting ready to be broken.

If he tells me he doesnt want to be with me.. will I be able to keep it together long enough to hold my head up and walk out of his house..

I hurt..
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