Jun 22, 2005 08:05
So he said he hoped he woke up the next day and knew he wanted to be with me because he missed me.
That day has come and gone.. and no phone call. Do you know how many times I reached for the phone just out of habit. No call goodnight.. no sweet dreams.
How is it that he doesnt miss me yet. If he hasn't missed me yet will he at all?
And if he does want to break up with me will he drag it out cause he's scared to tell me.
It's really driving me insane. I have a bad feeling that he doesnt want to be with me.. that if he did he'd know already .. that he would wake up and think.."I'm an idiot.. what am I doing?" .. but I was wrong.
HOW DOES HE NOT MISS ME !!!... Maybe he does my friend says.. and maybe he doesnt ... no text message nothing.
Who decided ever to take a "break" it's worse then breaking up I tell you. It's torture and I can be one cold hearted bitch I really don't think I'd do this to someone. If he does tell me on Friday or whenever he doesnt want to be with me.. it'll be like 4-5 day break up.
I didnt actually shed a tear after 2pm all the way until bed time. So maybe I'm already "healing" .. but then what... I feel better and then he rips up old wounds to tell me he doesnt want me??
He even told me he was lucky to have me.. !! That I was special and he knew this before dating me.. so why the break.. why doesnt he know..
Clearly I'm freaking out .. I hate wondering and waiting.. this is insane.