This time last year i was so so so very pregnant. And every single day since September 7, 2008 i have said out loud at least once (and often more) per day, "I am so happy i'm not pregnant anymore".
Especially now, as the temperature creeps toward 100 degrees, i recall the nights i had to get out of bed and sleep on the couch to escape the the heat of the sleeping body next to me or spending all day in the basement in a desperate attempt to stay cool. I remember having to hold the banister on the stairs in a death grip to prevent my massive bulk from going ass-over-tea-kettle. I remember being so hungry but only being able to fit small amounts of food at a time into my terribly squashed stomach and any food that did actually make it down caused indigestion that bubbled and burned. It was about this same time last July that i stopped fitting into any but the most forgiving of my maternity clothes. For the last 5 weeks of my pregnancy i could wear only two skirts, one dress, and a handful of shirts which led to me becoming incredibly bored with my wardrobe. I remember banging my gigantic belly on corners as i misjudged distances and having it run into by coworkers who misjudged my girth themselves. I remember slowly losing the small tendons and veins on my feet as they swelled and only being able to wear flip flops; thank God it wasn't February when my poor feet wouldn't fit into anything less roomy than a bathtub.
I was not one of those women who delighted in being pregnant. I didn't feel sexy. I didn't glow. I didn't love feeling the baby move within me. Rather i felt fat, put upon, held prisoner by my own body, and extremely creeped out. Whenever i could see the baby shift from the outside i let out a shriek and a shudder.
Now, i am so blissfully UN-pregnant. Sure it's 98-trillion degrees outside but that's okay because i'm not 40 lbs heavier than normal and the skin on my stomach isn't stretching and itching to the point of madness. I use the restroom at normal intervals, i don't feel guilty about coloring my hair, and i can lay on my back for longer than 30 seconds at a time. NOT being pregnant is the BEST THING EVER. Those of you who have been pregnant, you know what i'm talking about. Those of you who have never been pregnant, appreciate it. And for those few of you who are, you have my sympathies and just remember that it's not forever.