Nerdiest Favorite Things (Doctor Who Edition)

Dec 15, 2011 20:44

So I was inspired by the brilliant faith_king and her Nerdiest Favorite Things post and decided to write my own, featuring everyone's favorite Doctor (mostly because the song has been stuck in my head all day long and I'm currently beyond obsessed with Doctor Who).

Technically my song (which maaaybe stretched the rules of rhyme and cadence just a bit to maintain relevance to my subject) contains at least one spoiler, so to be on the safe side (READ: if you don't know who River Song is), I'll put it under a cut, just in case.

Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and Doctor Donna
Rory, and Amy (who's River Song's mama)
Sarah Jane, and all the others I bring
These are a few of my favorite things

Fezzes and bowties, fish fingers with custard
Buttons that dispense the ketchup and mustard
Hearing the TARDIS's telephone ring
These are a few of my favorite things

Yelling, "Geronimo!" Saying, "Fantastic!"
Acting bizarre and a little bit spastic
Running around as I shout, "Allonsy!"
These are a few of my favorite things

When my hands start glowing yellow I feel really sad
But if I remember my favorite things, well, then I don't feel so bad!

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