Doctor Who continuity

Dec 15, 2011 10:17

You guys: how important is it that I watch "Planet of the Dead" before watching "The End of Time" parts 1and 2? I accidentally watched "The Waters of Mars" bc I thought it was next, but then the Doctor started spouting off about "knock four times" and I was all "what? What?!" and then I realized I missed Planet of the Dead and that it's the only Tennant special NETFLIX DOESN'T HAVE and that I can't justify buying it on iTunes bc I just bought seasons 1-5 ($9.99 each!!!squee!!!) and I was wondering if it would be awful just to skip it for now and move on to Tennant's departure. Thoughts?

Whew. Oh, and hi! The LJ app has been wonky and I've only been able to read your posts but not comment or post myself. And we all know I'm too lazy to sit down at the actual computer. Thankfully all appears to be back to normal.

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