Seven Things Meme

Apr 01, 2012 18:16

  1. The Trickster gives you a Memory Spot/Groundhog day experience. What (after you have stopped panicking/squeeing) do you accomplish?

        This is assuming that one does not perpetually die each day, correct?

Nothing except relaxing on a beach somewhere, lots of sleep and maybe a little reading. My real life has been so full of 10+hour work days, six day work weeks where I am accomplishing things {but never enough it seems} that I desperately need it all to just stop so I can catch my breath, literally. Today is my first day off in I don’t know how long. And of course I didn’t sleep last night. So I will take several days on the beach relaxing, as long as he doesn't throw in a trick and give me a sunburn every day :D

3. What book changed your life/view of things profoundly? (if you have one)

Besides the Bible? Then it would be Knowing God by J.I. Packer. I read that many years ago, but the things I learned back then still have an impact on how I think, how I interact with God and with others.

4. Who would you stalk, if you had the time, money and lack of scruples?

Hmmm, even with time, money and a lack of scruples, I would have to overcome my general shyness. I do better at work, because I have to talk to strangers, but it is still hard. So to stalk someone, the social aspect would be the hardest. But if that were also a non-factor, then my top three would be:
              a)      Gary Oldman (SURPRISE!)
              b)      Jensen Ackles
              c)      Richard Speight, Jr.

But they are all pretty closely tied there.

5. If you could live anywhere (fictional or real) where would you live?

Well, considering that I enjoy watching House Hunters International and my favorite episodes are about the ones where they find a beach house in a tropical location, I would have to say on the beach in a tropical location. That doesn’t mean I would pass up an opportunity to visit DS9, Hogwarts or Atlantis if I had the chance. I just wouldn’t live in any of those places.

6. Time travel is possible. Where and when would you go to 'visit' and experience that time?

There are many times and places that come to mind, but I think my first pick would be the 1940s.I have always been drawn to that era, plus I would love to know my grandmother during that time. She lived in Arizona for awhile. But I would like to see the world/history as people who lived it saw it.

7. Who is your favourite female character?

This is not an easy one. Growing up, there were few female characters that I was drawn to, let alone would call my favorite. But then years later as a grown-up, this show came along with not one but several female characters that were intriguing. Where being smart was a positive thing, where being a smart aleck had its merits, too. Where you could be kick-ass but still have some weaknesses, whether you were a slayer, a witch or demon. How do you chose between Buffy, Willow or Anya?  Well, despite the fact that it still tickles me that Anya, a vengeance demon, is afraid of bunnies, I have to go with Buffy. There are plenty of other female characters that I have loved, but I think I will always go back to that show.


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