Seven Things Meme

Apr 01, 2012 18:16

  1. The Trickster gives you a Memory Spot/Groundhog day experience. What (after you have stopped panicking/squeeing) do you accomplish?

        This is assuming that one does not perpetually die each day, correct?

Nothing except relaxing on a beach somewhere, lots of sleep and maybe a little reading. My real life has been so full of 10+hour work days, ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

perf April 1 2012, 23:34:36 UTC
I just finished reading John Green's "The Fault In Our Stars" and Gary Oldman is the ONLY person I see playing one of the characters, if it comes to a movie adaptation.

I've done this before, but I will take another 7!


auntmo9 April 1 2012, 23:59:34 UTC
I might have to add that book to my ever growing reading list!

1) Using any past or current players, put together you fantasy Cardinals team

2)What did you (or are you)having for dinner tonight?

3)What was your first job?

4)If finances and time were not an option and you could go anywhere on vacation this year,where would it be?

5) Who was your first celebrity crush?

6)What are you most looking forward to in this coming year?

7) Favorite icon


ficwriter1966 April 1 2012, 23:59:39 UTC
Relaxing at a beach house sounds VERY good right now! It's rainy and chilly here today/this evening, so some sun and the surf...aaaaah.

I would love the chance to go back in time and get to know my grandparents, and my parents as young people. I was thinking about that just the other day - a chance like Dean had in ITB, to interact with them without them knowing who I was.

I'll take 7 questions, but I'll answer 'em over at my secret identity (smalltwndreamer).

Hope you've had a chance to relax today!


auntmo9 April 2 2012, 00:11:46 UTC
I know, I just think it would be fascinating to visit my family in the past :D

Here you go:

1) If you could meet any person (dead or alive) - who would it be?
2) If you could either go on a hunt with Dean, or travel through time with Sam Beckett and help right a wrong,which would you do?
3)What cancelled tv series (only one) would you return to the screen?
4) When you are watching your favorite show on TV, what is your favorite snack to have handy?
5) The Impala never comes back (sacrilege, I know). What kind of car should Dean get for himself on a permanent basis?
6) If you could visit any fictional spot for a vacation, what would it be?
7) You are a network TV producer and have the power to allow Supernatural to have a crossover with any current or past TV show. What do you chose?


ramblin_rosie April 2 2012, 00:50:24 UTC
Oh, sure, I'll take some questions. Can't promise how soon I'll answer, though.


auntmo9 April 2 2012, 01:02:36 UTC
I know.I didn't think I would get to mine soon either, so I understand.

1)Besides the Bible, what book changed your life/view of things profoundly?
2)Using any past or current players, put together you fantasy Cardinals team.
3)If you could record a song with the Monkees, go on a quest with the Fellowship of the Ring,or hunting with Sam and Dean, which would you choose.
4)When you are watching your favorite show on TV, what is your favorite snack to have handy?
5)What was your first job?
6)If you could visit any fictional spot for a vacation, what would it be?
7)Time travel is possible. Where and when would you go to 'visit' and experience that time?


shadwrayvn April 2 2012, 04:46:44 UTC
This sounds like fun!


auntmo9 April 3 2012, 01:07:23 UTC
1) If you could meet any person (dead or alive) - who would it be?
2) If you could either go on a hunt with Dean, or travel in the TARDIS with Dr. Who which would you choose?
3)What cancelled tv series (only one) would you return to the screen?
4) When you are watching your favorite show on TV, what is your favorite snack to have handy?
5) What was your first job?
6) If you could visit any fictional spot for a vacation, what would it be?
7) You are a network TV producer and have the power to allow Supernatural to have a crossover with any current or past TV show. What do you chose?


tari_roo April 2 2012, 05:45:14 UTC
*fist bump* of course besides the Bible. Interesting choice, I'll have to check it out

#1 EVERYONE! *is scared too*
#2 sounds like a lovely time. The trickster would leave you be for your pertual sunny day at the beach :)
#4 Ah, the good thing about stalking, you can remain shy and still be successful!
#5 sigh, v.practical but also very possible. Nice
#6 I too sam strangely drawn to the 1940s.
#7 *fist bump* for Buffy


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