The Audio Cassette Strikes Back

Apr 01, 2012 10:58

TITLE: The Audio Cassette Strikes Back
SUMMARY: You really don't think Dean dropped the iPod thing do you?
A/N: The picture at the bottom was going around on Facebook and I had to do something with it.

“Dude, seriously? What is this?” Sam asked as he opened his laptop to reveal a rather crude drawing left on top of the keyboard. Looking up at his brother he observed, “I’ve seen seven year olds with more talent than this. Besides, you already ripped it out of your precious car. I think you made your point then.”

“Just making sure it sinks in, Sammy,” Dean said with a nod. “I don’t ever want to see that eye-patch thing in my baby again, got it?”

“Pod,” Sam answered with a sigh and a shake of his head as he moved the item off of his key board. “It is called an iPod, Dean.”

“Whatever, bitch. Just remember what came first,” Dean said with a smirk snatching back part of his ‘art project’ and waving it in his brother’s face. “The great and mighty cassette.”

“Fine jerk. But aren’t you forgetting something? Vader was evil. That is not exactly a ringing endorsement of your musical tastes.”

“Not always…or in the end any ways. He saved his son in the end. It showed he knew the value of family,” Dean pointed out thoughtfully. “And there wouldn’t be your friggin’ pod things without him!”

genre: comedy, character: sam winchester, character: dean winchester, gen

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