(no subject)

Sep 01, 2010 16:35

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. - C.S. Lewis

I don't know why, but I've been very negative this week. So I think I'm gonna start writing on this blog more often.

Do you ever wonder if your friends are right for you? I sure did. First, let me explain the sitch:

I was raised in a private Lutheran School for 10 whole years. I thought that as soon as I got to highschool, I would be the immature one. But boy...was I wrong.

1. Nobody puts napkins in their laps at public schools [even though they RE-he-heally should!]

2. Nobody calls adults by "sir" or "ma'am". Even some teachers gave me funny looks.

3. No religion class [but that's a given].

4. These kids starting dating in 5th grade.

5.Everyone knows everyone.

At first, it was a little rough for me to find friends. when I did find some,  I  realized that they seem so shallow to other people, it's like standing in a kiddie pool. They made fun of everyone! They dated 7TH GRADERS. And when they talked to each other, well, it was...nothing! Have you ever had conversations that mean nothing? Shouldn't you be able to have in-depth conversations about anything with your friends? Trust me, I tried. All the time it ended with,

"Psh, what a stupid question. Hey, did you hear that she's going out with him?"

Most of them were into other bad things, and I'm glad I never went partying with them.

I'm really glad that I have more than just one group of friends now. And please note, those friends were my friends at the beginning of the year. I've moved on. I just wondered if anyone else has ever had that problem before? Have you ever gone to a new school, or even just hung out with a new group of people - and really regretted it?

I pray for those kids everyday. But I learned the other day that one of them dropped out. I feel so bad for how hard life might be for them if they don't become more mature.

[And believe me, I'm not saying I am, I'm just saying these people were ridiculous.] I watch cartoons, I love candy and I still act a lot like a kid. but, I know when to own up to my responsibilities like grades, if I ever got in trouble and chores [so on and so forth].

So: A few summary questions. How mature do you think you are? How well do you know your friends? Can you have actual conversations about anything with them? And are they leading you down the right path?

friends right path drugs lutheran privat

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