(no subject)

Sep 01, 2010 16:37

A long time ago I  heard of this disorder where people go insane for staring at beautiful things for too long. And right now I'm sitting outside on my porch, taking my "me" time, listening to Starfield(DARE2SHARE 2010! Anyone else go?!) and just staring at a sunset of rasberry clouds, hearing fireworks and laughing kids and I can't help but notice that everyone should get this disorder. I mean, I stare out at God's work everyday, and yet, I never seem that amazed. Which is weird because not only did God make us but He made us this wonderful world to live in. It disturbs me when people tell me that evolution did this ... that means that the world, us and everything we know, was just an accident. Which I find extremely depressing. If this was all just a series of random coincedences, then that means that there's no point. No point of living, no point of expecting anything out of life. That means that nobody loves us enough to create the heavens and the earth just for us. Which is why I'm glad to have the faith I have today because it's nice to know that someone loves me. Even though I don't deserve it. Even if others abandon me. And it's also nice to know that while I'm sitting on my porch in a small town in Kansas, my life just a blip in history and time, that there's a God all around me, who knows everything about me and loves me just the same. And for that, I just want to go insane and tell everyone about God.

In a Bible Study a couple weeks ago, we watched a video of a preacher in Texas, who was talking about a special constellation that gave him hope. I was intrigued, so I Google'd it when I got home. [Google, is there anything you can't do?!] and this is what I found.

 Its called the "Southern Cross" and I'm glad that preacher brought this up because now I love to use it as an example when I talk to people about examples of God in nature. But really, how is THAT a coincidence? ;]

Just I as I've been talking about big things, ( Southern Cross) it's also awesome to know that God made special little things too. 

This is Laminin. Yes, it took me six times to spell it correctly.It really is one of the special signs that shows God is with us. And the use of laminin is even cooler because what it does is really "hold our bodies together"! Isn't that AMAZING?! Just one little thing like that could hold everything in our bodies together.

As soon as I saw these pictures, it really compelled me to write this. It's a very blessing to have God in my life and to know that He made things big and small just so He could show how much He loves and cares for us.

Please pass on the Laminin thing, I have been with my friends and my youth pastor is going to use it in a Bible Study. :)) thanks so much for reading all of that(if you did) and may God bless each and everyone of you guys.

dare2share laminin nature science god ch

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