(no subject)

Aug 25, 2006 19:50

i'm not sure what to write right now. so i', supposed to be at the jamboree, looking cute, cheering on the football players- but instead i'm at home sick, chillin with my dad...oh what a life....seriously- it is.

today in my family dynamics class (if you go to cchs, do NOT take that class, it makes me want to kill something every day) mrs mccollister was talking about taking things for granted (at least i think she was, i only caught bits of what she was saying all block). and the definition she gave was: taking something for granted is having something that you think you will always be able to go back to and forgetting that it's only earthly...it doesn't come with a lifetime guarantee. thats true- all the time i find myself saying "i'll always be there for you" and "i know i can always count on him/her"... but the only thing that i can absolutely, without a doubt, be sure of is that God loves me...i love having that thing that i can always cling to. point of this paragraph- hold on to God, because He is what matters most.

then mrs mccollister talked about the priorities in our life. we juggle all these things, thinking that we have to be in control of every aspect of our life, and we end up getting overwhelmed. we forget that God is so big, and that in order for things to work, we have to let Him handle it, rather than trying to work things out for ourselves.

pray for me people, i'm having a lot of trouble with a couple of issues- pray that i can give control of them to God.

have a wonderful safe weekend

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