Vlad Update

Aug 16, 2006 20:38

so- 1st i would like to apologize for the mistakes i made in my entry 2 before this one: vlad is 8, not 6. and shane and brandi havent definitely decided to adopt him but i know they will....i have a gut feeling about it....and my gut feelings are ALWAYS right

here is an email that i received from brandi today that i thought everyone might be interested in.....again i ask that you PLEASE pray for them a lot


Hello Everyone! I hope this note find you all doing well. Shane and I
like to ask each of you to be in prayer for us.

First a little background.....

Shane and I have been working with an organization called Hope for
of the World (www.hopefororphansoftheworld.org). Hope for Orphans works
various orphanages in Ukraine, and during the summer they bring over
of orphans that are here for two weeks or so each. Various activities
sponsored for the kids while they are here - and many people get to
meet and
spend time with them. This program has been effective, and aside from
children already adopted - there are about 6 that visited last summer
currently in the process of being adopted.

A few statistics about Ukraine, and Ukrainian orphans:
€ The Ukraine has over 100,000 registered orphans in its system. (and
more not registered)
€ Orphans must leave the system, and go out on their own at age 16 or
grade - whichever they reach first.
€ 10%-15% of them will commit suicide, after leaving the orphanage,
their 18th birthday.
€ 60% of the girls will end up in prostitution.
€ 70% of the boys will enter a life of crime.
€ Only 27% of these youth will find work.

As you can see, these are heartbreaking statistics - and are even more
when you have a chance to meet and spend time with these amazing kids.

Now for the BIG part....

Throughout this experience, we have met an 8 year old little boy named
He has touched our hearts in an amazing way, and we are now
pursuing adoption. This is a HUGE decision, and not one that we
needing to make - nor is it one we are taking lightly. So I would just
to ask each of you to be in prayer over us. We ask you to pray that God
would separate us from our emotions, provide wisdom and discernment,
show us what the correct path should be....and that we will be at peace
the decision.

The adoption process is normally complicated...but with Ukraine it is
more so. Among other things, the process would take around 18
cost approximately $20,000 - $25,000, or more. The costs are, among
one of the big concerns right now - as we by no means have $20,000.

Over the next couple of weeks we are going to attend informational
ask lots of questions, and do some research. So, once again, just be in
prayer. We will let you know when we have come to a decision.

I am attaching pictures of little Vlad so that you all can see him!

Much love,
Brandi and Shane

PS: Hope for Orphans of the World in a non-profit organization, and all
donations are completely tax deductible. If you are interested in more
information, donating, or being a sponsor at a fundraising event, etc.
please visit www.hopefororphansoftheworld.org.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to
after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep
oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27


so- i hope everyone is having a great week!!! i love you all
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