Round One: Feedback and Suggestions

Aug 28, 2011 16:43

We know that Round One had quite a few issues, between switching mods halfway through, inconsistent timetables and a long wait on prizes. These things will go smoother in Round Two.

Before Round Two begins, we're interested in how you think Round One went (beyond what was mentioned above), and what we can do to improve this challenge. This post is your place to offer comments and suggestions on:

Are there prompts you'd like to see added to the list? Prompts you'd like to see combined or removed? Prompts you think may need to be reworded? Etc. Please let us know why you think so.

Are there parts of the rules you think should be reworded? Things you'd like to see added? Things you'd like to see removed? Etc. Please let us know why you think so.

Do you like the scoring system? Do you think the point distribution is fair? Are there other forms of bingo you think should be possible? Should there be ‘bonus’ points possible? How? Etc. Please let us know why you think so.

General Feedback:
Commentary on Round One and any suggestions that are not covered under prompts, rules, or scoring.


1. This post will be open until September 15, to allow us time to consider all suggestions and possible changes before Round Two.

2. Post your comment under the appropriately titled thread. This makes our tracking and organisation easier.

3. Be respectful of all posters (and lurkers).

4. Anonymous commenting is on. (We will screen and turn off anon-commenting if comments become personal or disrespectful)

5. Remember that, although we will be reading and considering all suggestions, this is not a guarantee that your suggestion will be implemented.

Round one prompts can be found here.

Mods will not be responding to suggestions, or participating in any ensuing discussions, however we are watching all comments. Threads will be frozen if things become disrespectful or personal.

If you would prefer to discuss anything privately please feel free to e-mail the mods or PM au_bingo_mods.

admin: misc, round: one

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