Round 1: Prizes

Aug 27, 2011 20:40


To you guys who won things, I'd just like to apologize for being so drastically overdue in presenting you with these. Real life has been kind of insane for the past, well, six months. I also tried to do some homework - especially when I wasn't familiar with your fandoms - and make prizes that would suit you individually. I hope you enjoy them.

I had a lot of fun with you guys this round, and I promise to be quicker with the prizes for round 2.

Apologies again,


First Place: be_nomads

/ Download All

Second Place: yahtzee63

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Third Place: viva_gloria

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and snowishness

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If you would like to use any of the icons, please contact the winners for their permission.

Mods' Honorary Mentions

(click the thumbnails to enlarge)







Congratulations (and apologies) again to all our winners of round one.

We're currently updating everything for round 2, that will open for sign ups on October 1. Rules and scoring will be based on hc_bingo, with small adjustments to suit the AU category, if you want to look them over ahead of time.

Thank you all so much for your participation, and we hope to see you in Round 2.


admin: prizes, round: one

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