Apr 15, 2013 10:09

ТЕ, кто подписан на рассылку корееведческих новостей, должно быть, уже в курсе...

The BBC has refused to drop a Panorama programme on North Korea after a students' union said it used students "as a human shield" to film there.

Three BBC journalists accompanied 10 London School of Economics students and spent eight days in the country. The LSE students' union's Alex Peters-Day said Monday's programme should be dropped because students were lied to and could not give informed consent. But the BBC said the students had been properly warned ahead of the trip. Head of news programmes Ceri Thomas said the North Korean government was the only party the BBC had deceived. "We have a duty to give enough information to people on a trip like this so they can give us fully informed consent," he said.

"There were 10 students. We told them there would be a journalist on the trip and, if that journalist was discovered, it could mean detention and that it could mean arrest."

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Не думаю, что журналисты Би-би-си узрели и сняли что-то эдакое, новое. Меня в этой истории привлекает морально-этический аспект случившегося...

КНДР, журналисты, Северная Корея

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