Jul 04, 2007 09:23
First things first.
HAPPY 4th of JULY, Y'ALL :)
*throws sparklees in the engine room*
In more prosaic news I am working from home today, so that a nice man could come round and mend both my waste disposal unit and my hoover. He has done both (yay!), it took him just under an hour (double yay!) and it cost me £140 (boo!!!) I really wish I had paid more attention to DIY stuff when I was still with Mr A. I am nearly totally clueless about the whole thing and it is costing me dear now. I think I must roll up my sleeves and get a clue - it can't be any harder than learning to knit with two balls of yarn at the same time, surely, and I can do that no problem.
So, I guess I better go and do some of that work rather than tootling around on LJ. I hope everyone has a lovely, lovely day. *hugs*
ETA: I've just run the same distance that I did the other day when I hurt my shins, after dialing it down a little bit on my last two outings. Only this time I ran it about 1.5 minutes quicker and my shins are fine. W0ot! I do like this running business - I don't think I've ever done anything before where I've got so measurably better every time I've done it. I don't suppose that's going to last mind you, but it's very inspiring at the moment. Who'd have thought it? :)