Jan 18, 2011 11:54
*blows dust off livejournal*
So Jason has me thinking maybe I might start writing in this thing again, just to keep some tabs on my insane life and to be able to look back and see what I was doing. This seems somewhat more permanent and easier to look through than, say, facebook statuses or foursquare check-ins.
It's hard to figure out what I'd like to expose to the world. I'm kind of an open book for the most part now. Everyone generally knows what's going on with me, should they ask. However, there is a certain type of permanence to things that can be looked up on the way-back machine or dredged up by me in ten years. Reading over my entries from age 16 was disturbing. I actually had to stop for a while cause I could feel those same sad emotions of loss and loneliness and pain despite being in two very awesome relationships right now.
Maybe someday reading this journal ten years down the road, I'll have happy memories instead.