And It Begins Again.

Jan 06, 2011 23:56

2011 has started and I'M NOT READY!

Looking back at last year’s New Year’s “goal” post, I managed to fail EVERY one… wow. 2010 Epic fail indeed. Let’s analyze.
  1. Finish 2008 NaNoWriMo novel. I only rewrote the first chapter of my 2008 NaNoWriMo book, and I had haven’t touched or attempted to finish it since. In fact, the last time I opened the document was on February 26, 2010!
  2. Read 100 books. Only read 72 books this time… In 2009, I managed 92! I FAIL! *sigh*
  3. Never ask a guy I like out… Yeah, I already did that... twice. I’m probably going to end up being his next BFF or something. I am so boy retarded it’s pathetic. *Facepalm*

Though I wasn't completely unproductive last year:
  1. I watched 35 movies.
  2. I finished 29 video/PC games.
  3. And finally went to Hawaii!
  4. Also I improved in my snowboarding skills!

Anyways time for goals for 2011:
  1. Complete NaNoWriMo book from 2008. Seriously.
  2. Complete a first readable draft of my 2010 NaNoWriMo Novel.
  3. Finish all the fanfiction that I have still I work in progress, which is only three or four… so shouldn’t be too bad.
  4. Read 100 books.
  5. Don’t fall in love… unless he likes you FIRST. Unfortunately, I haven’t given up on love yet.

new year

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