Misadventures of Zippy the Zombie: It’s Alive!

Jan 04, 2011 21:49

I have a fascination with zombies. I’m not exactly sure why, but I just do. Maybe it’s the same fascination I have for vampires, but ever since Twilight made vampires sparkly... *sigh* I don’t even want to talk about it.

Anyways I do love zombies, but not in the “I love you, and I want to hug and kiss you kind of way.” I DO NOT want to ever meet a zombie in real life unless I am in possession of a shotgun, or according to my most recent zombie apocalyptic dream, a heavy duty Maglite or a big wrench. Though the Plant Vs. Zombies zombies are pretty cute, especially when they shamble around saying “braaainnsss”. But my favorite zombie has to be my new boyfriend Zippy.

Look at him, what’s not to love? He’s got brains, guts, and ribs. He’s also smartly dressed in his frayed fringed blazer and matching shorts trousers, and he even brought his own brain munchie to snack on. This definitely gives new meaning to BYOB. Though I have to admit Zippy is on the emaciated and ashen side, and he’s not a very good conversationalist. He also can’t seem to keep the ketchup blood from getting all over his face and clothes. And he tries to pay for everything with brains! Zombies. *shakes head*

He’s lucky that he’s so cute and generous. The moment I got him out of the package he offered me an arm and his limbs. He even urged me to take his brain munchie, but I declined because it looked like a deflated pink plush basketball.

You’re probably wondering why I named him Zippy. First, I love alliteration, and saying "Zippy the Zombie" brings warm fuzzy feelings to me for some unknown reason. It might be something to do with the letter “Z”.

There were a few other names I had considered before Zippy. There was Brian the Brain Muncher, but saying that three times fast ended up sounding like Brain the Brain Muncher or Brain the Brian Muncher… and that just brings to mind a giant brain chasing after people named Brian.

The last name I had in the skull cap to toss around was Gary. I don’t know why Gary, but that name just popped up in my head while I was at the gym trying not to trip over an eight inch step bench. Worldly advice of the day: Don’t zone out during step aerobics class, you may trip and DIE. Then you’ll become a zombie and crave for sweaty people’s brains. Ewww. Where is the brain bleach?!!!!

Anyways Zippy the Zombie’s name kind of just came out when I made my decision to purchase Zippy. It took me about four hours to make the decision. I admit I’m a very sloooow impulsive buyer. I know it doesn’t make any sense. I will put crap into my online cart and let it sit there until the cart times out. Then I’ll have to refill the cart again, or actually make an account, so the cart will save. While I was doing my last half hour of hemming and hawing, I finally announced to amezri that I was going to purchase the “Dismember Me Zombie” from ThinkGeek and name him “Zippy” and “Zippy better provide me with hours of entertainment!” I actually said that. Don’t believe me here’s the transcript:

me: I'm also tempted to get the "dismember me zombie" lol Damn me and my weakness for cute plushie zombies.
Amezri: haha that thing creeps me out
me: But you can do so many things with it! And it has its very own brain to munch on! haha
Amezri: lol better than munching on my brain!
me:exactly. Haha I've been eyeing that thing for a while. I should just buy and cry about my credit card bill later. lol
Amezri: lol
me:Okay, i'm going to buy it and name it "Zippy" because zombies are so fast! lol
Amezri: haha
me:Okay, I finally paid ThinkGeek. Zippy better provide me hours of entertainment. lol
Amezri:: lol I'm sure

See, I do not lie to my readers. I only willing participate in misinformation. *wink wink*

So… Internets say “Hi!” to Zippy the Zombie! He’s undead! Just in time for the New Year! BEWARE 2012 2011!

P.S. Now that I read the entry again “Not my man hands” sounded like I just announced to everyone that I have man hands… I do NOT have man hands. This is my hand. See, even with weight lifting gloves on, they still look girly!

i seriously have no life, fiction, random, screw boys, zombie, writing, misadventures of zippy the zombie, scifi geekery

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