And It Begins Again.

Jan 06, 2011 23:56

2011 has started and I'M NOT READY!

Looking back at last year’s New Year’s “goal” post, I managed to fail EVERY one… wow. 2010 Epic fail indeed. Let’s analyze.
  1. Finish 2008 NaNoWriMo novel. I only rewrote the first chapter of my 2008 NaNoWriMo book, and I had haven’t touched or attempted to finish it since. In fact, the last time I opened the ( Read more... )

new year

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Comments 2

mylittleredgirl January 8 2011, 06:46:52 UTC
Never ask a guy I like out

... why would you ever resolve that? that's so backwards! resolve TO ask them out!

Read 100 books. Only read 72 books this time…

..... well your failure is about 30 times better than mine!


athenaktt January 8 2011, 06:53:30 UTC
... why would you ever resolve that? that's so backwards! resolve TO ask them out!

I resolved that because the last idiot boy I asked out flaked on me EVERY TIME so I was so pissed and fed up with boys at the beginning of the year... Then this other boy showed up at the end of the year... so I broke that one. So that's a good thing? :p

It's so hard to be a book nerd and also try to have a social life.


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