Another month, and not much changed. I still know no-one in Fleet. What happened to Aikido? My shoulder basically. I realised after observing a session that my shoulder still wasn't that happy and having it twisted hither and thither by other people practising on me wasn't a great idea. Tomorrow I need to phone my doctors for an appointment about this as the shoulder had been in this state for a little over 2 months now. If I can't manage to phone first thing for a same-day appointment then I need to settle for whatever they can give me later on.
Knowing no-one in Fleet I have very little to do here. I can't just pop around to a friend's for an evening of watching TV or whatever. Nor do I know anyone to pop down a pub with. Cinema? The nearest one appears to be in Basingstoke....
So, I wake up (eventually), catch up on net stuff, have something to eat, grab a shower, see what else has been updated online, maybe chat to a few people on IMs, and then get very bored. I can watch downloaded TV/movies, but that gets boring after a while. I prefer to reserve book reading for when in bed trying to get to sleep (currently anyway).
See, what I need is to control the anxiety enough to be able to make friends here, and eventually work again, move back to London, and have the kind of fun I know I'm capable of. Right now nothing is happening on that front. The anxiety has too tight a grip on me.
So, yes, other than the occasional visit from, or trip out with, friends, life pretty much sucks currently.