Alas, Poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio

Jun 16, 2007 03:38

Location: 221 Baker Street
Characters: James Wilson and Neil Perry
Status: Semi-private
Summary: Times are better and Wilson and Neil spend time together that doesn't leave both of them maniacally depressed.

Wilson put the last plate into the dishwasher and closed it with his foot, whistling as he did so. He was chipper. It couldn't be helped. House and he had smoothed things over, to a point, and Wilson felt like he'd had cancer that had gone into remission. Or something of that nature.

He'd thought he was alone, Neil and House both out for the afternoon, and when he all but skipped into the living room and saw the young boy sitting on the couch he started. And immediately stopped whistling. But he smiled wide.

"Hey there," he said brightly, collapsing onto the couch next to him and fuzzing Neil's hair. "What's going on with you on such a bright and shiny day that would keep you stuck in the living room with me?"

neil perry, james wilson

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