Desperation Rears Its Ugly Head

Jun 16, 2007 21:39

Location: Harry and Snape's Flat
Characters: Neil Perry, Harry Potter, Severus Snape
Status: Private
Summary: Lizzie's back, Charlie's has just broken Neil's heart, and if finding himself alone with Harry Potter in the flat he shares with Severus Snape is any indication, Neil clearly hasn't let go of those suicidal tendencies.

Neil wasn't really sure how long he'd been wandering the sidewalks after talking to Charlie, but his mind was reeling far too fast to think about it. Every step felt like he was sinking into ten feet of wet sand that swallowed him whole and left him suffocating.

Everything hurt. All he wanted to do was get home, lie in his bed, and not move for days.

He wouldn't cry, though. Oh no, Charles Dalton the Third would not be causing any more fucking tears for Neil Perry. He'd taken enough from him. His morals, his innocence... his fucking heart. No way in hell was Neil spending even one Goddamn tear on him.

The best part, though? The cherry on the top of the whole fucking sunday? For every tiny bit that Neil was heartbroken, he felt twice that amount of guilt. Because he was a fucking hypocrite, and he'd put one of the least deserving people in the world in this position. Neil, right now, was exactly where Todd had been when he'd gone flitting off with that smug bastard of a best friend. But after everything he'd done, Neil deserved it. Todd hadn't.

And it hurt like fucking hell.

So Neil wanted to curl into fetal position on his bed and die. Only he couldn't go home. House and Wilson would be there. They'd see something was wrong right away. House would make some smartass quips and try to make light of it and act like Neil was being a girl about the whole thing, but later he'd sneak out to wring Charlie's neck. Wilson would play super compassionate!daddy figure and hug Neil and ruffle his hair and tell him everything would be okay. And that would be nice... but not what Neil wanted right now.

He just wanted someone to listen. Someone who wouldn't sugarcoat or make light. Someone who could just let him sit and cool off and be sad but not pity. And that someone certainly could not be Todd right now. Not this time.

Which is why Neil ended up knocking on Harry Potter's door. Oh, Jesus, if Snape were here... Well. Neil would just have to pray he was off making someone's life miserable, and that Harry had the place to himself.

neil perry, harry potter, severus snape

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