First Day of Work [Complete]

Jul 13, 2006 23:42

Location: Coffee Cafe, C street
Time: Midday
Characters: Lana Lang, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Kyle XY
Public, Private, or Semi-Private: Public
Incomplete or Complete: Incomplete
Rating: PG
Summary: It's Lana's first day of work and therefore, chaos ensues.

Lana bit her lip, tapping her fingers anxiously against the coffee maker she was working with. It was ( Read more... )

archived, wesley wyndam-pryce, kyle xy

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Comments 51

weswpryce July 14 2006, 06:31:00 UTC
Wesley was having a fruitless search for houses. Not that there wasn't plenty of homes available. He just found that he was reluctant to lay down roots anywhere. It seemed that every time he tried, the monsters and demons followed him. Perhaps he was cursed? He'd have to get someone to look into that. Surely someone had to know magick in this town. What with people being from the future and all, some type of magick had to be involved.

He hadn't been completely honest when he'd said that he was house hunting. That had been the original intent, but shooting ranges and beach parties came up and had a tendency to distract. Yeah, that was his excuse. But he was putting his nose to the grind today. He was tired of living in the hotel. Plus, it was putting a nice dent in his pocketbook.


He made his way to the local coffee shop, standing in line, giving his order, paying, then waiting, just like everyone else. Unfortunately, as he was standing and waiting for his coffee, someone suddenly hit him, spilling ( ... )


smallville_lana July 14 2006, 17:56:57 UTC
((OOC: Just so you know, I adore Wesley.))

Lana bit her lip - no, more like chewed on it - as she set the tray down and hurridly found a napkin, handing it to the man she had spilled coffee over. She finally had the courage to look up into his eyes. "I... I'm terribly sorry." She smiled warmly, since he didn't seem to be too angry. "Would you like some coffee?" she asked somewhat nervously. "It's on the house." More like I'll be paying for it, but it's the least I can do. She handed him another napkin then went behind the counter to make the coffee that had been spilled over his shirt to give to another customer.

"What would you like?" she asked as she finished making the coffee. Lana carefully walked around him and other customers then handed the drink to a disgruntled looking customer.


weswpryce July 16 2006, 01:34:46 UTC
((OOC: Heee! ))

Wesley accepted the napkins from the girl, attempting to save his saturated shirt. Sadly, he was sure that it was going to be headed for the bin before too long. Luckily, it was just a plain shirt, so it wasn't going to be something he was going to miss. Most of the problem was trying to get the scalding liquid away from his shirt. But, the stuff was quickly cooling, so now it was only a slight burning sensation.

He looked up when the girl apologized again, then offered him a coffee on the house. He didn't really need the coffee, but she had an almost pleading expression on her face. To refuse would be acting petty and pissed off, at least to her. So instead, Wes just nodded and moved a little closer to the counter, idly wiping at his shirt front.

"Just a plain coffee, if you wouldn't mind. Can't abide all of that fancy stuff," he said, giving her a grin.


smallville_lana July 16 2006, 16:50:20 UTC
Lana was relieved that he had accepted her offer of free coffee, although it was hard to refuse her disarming smile... and then there was the fact that it was coffee after all. After he ordered, she immediately began to make the plain drink. It wouldn't take long, and she was somewhat relieved about that. Her coffee making skills still weren't up to par.

"No fancy stuff?" she asked, grinning back at him. "But that's half fun." By the grin on her face, it was obvious it was a joke. She quickly finished his order and handed him the cup very carefully over the counter, although it probably didn't matter too much. It looked as if his shirt was ruined.

She looked at his destroyed shirt for a moment, then gave him another apologetic glance. "Do you think... Maybe dry-cleaning would get it out?"


tub_sleeper_xy July 14 2006, 14:35:10 UTC
ooc: At least Kyle wont be the only one with a stain on his shirt. *Giggle* When this little bit of chaos and coffee spilling dies down, would ya'll mind if Kyle ambled in all confused like? Check my user page to find out more about him if you haven't been watching. *Smile*


smallville_lana July 14 2006, 17:57:56 UTC
((OOC: That would be great. I have yet to watch the show, but I am interested in it. I might download previous episodes off iTunes to watch.))


tub_sleeper_xy July 14 2006, 18:03:14 UTC
ooc: Goodie! I'll be floating and watching the progress until I find a good spot to waddle in on.


tub_sleeper_xy July 18 2006, 15:55:17 UTC
ooc: AN OPENING! I'M GOING IN!Stumbling around town was taking too long, Kyle thought, he knew he wasn't getting anywhere. He had no idea as to where he was, having just been thrust from the back of a black van that immediately raced off. The boy watched it go before finding himself on his hands and knees, throwing up on the grass in the middle of the park. The water hadn't tasted too good either and now all he was left with was his pale blue shirt covered with vomit, grass stains on his jeans, and absolutely no home with no food and no way to call home. Kyle didn't even know the phone number to the Tragers house, he was lost indefinately ( ... )


smallville_lana July 18 2006, 22:19:36 UTC
After a small conversation, Lana had left the customer she had spilled coffee over to actually do her job. She would have rather stayed to chat a little, but the first day is always one of the most important days when starting a new job, so there she was, filling orders again.

Eventually, there was a small lull when no one was coming in, she noticed someone's eyes on her. Glancing up, Lana saw a boy, close to her age, looking somewhat lost. That's not all that struck her about his appearance; it seemed as if he had vomit on his shirt, along with practically destroyed jeans. Odd, two people with destroyed clothing in the same cafe on her first day.

"Hi," she said, walking over to him. "Would you like something?" She smiled gently at him; her eyes showing real concern.


tub_sleeper_xy July 20 2006, 02:22:28 UTC
Kyle looked at her in the eyes and opened his mouth. Cauciously, he spoke. "I'd like, to go home." He said slowly. Though Kyle had taken in the English language quickly and used it often and in everyday needings, it was still somewhat foreign to him all the same. Really he should have asked for a shirt, that was easier to get rather than his home. For now however, this would suffice and Lana one could be sure, would eventually get to the answer "I can't get you home."


smallville_lana July 20 2006, 17:09:59 UTC
"Home," Lana repeated, nodding her head. "Where is your home? Perhaps on my break I could take you there." She smiled at the lost boy. "For now, how about I get you a cup of coffee? That might be a bit easier. Come with me." With that, Lana led him to an empty table and sat him down. They had attracted some attention, but she decided to ignore the people who were staring at them.

Lana walked off quickly and poured his coffee and brought the cup back to him, all in less than a couple minutes. "Here," she said, sitting across from him and handing him the cup. "Be careful, it's hot."


tub_sleeper_xy July 24 2006, 01:13:13 UTC
"Um..." Kyle had to think this over and it took several minutes as his brain worked through all of the memories until he found one solid place. A state had been on the barcode at the back page of a porn magazine Josh had given him. Smiling he looked up at Lana.

"New Jersey!"


smallville_lana July 24 2006, 01:24:23 UTC
"Oh," Lana replied, surprised yet again in a short span of time. "You came a long way then. Did you like it there?" She stuck her hands in her pockets, since she felt slightly silly to have them just hanging there. She shrugged a little, then decided to offer some information about herself. "I'm from Kansas actually. That's a state in the midwestern United States."


tub_sleeper_xy July 24 2006, 01:31:44 UTC
"It's nice." Kyle said, and turned his head to look at her as she continued to speak. "Kansas?" He pondered this for a while and then nodded and took her word for it. Sounded true enough.

"So, where are we going again?" He then asked of her, two or three minutes later after more silent walking. Kyle was the silent type, though he could be talkative and fun if needed, it just didn't seem the time.


smallville_lana July 24 2006, 03:12:26 UTC
Lana had been looking at the sidewalk, thinking carefully about what was going on. She had a boy that she had just met coming back to her apartment to stay with her. It was almost as if she had a child that needed to be taken care of with her. Did she have enough money? Would she do good enough? All were questions that plagued her mind at the moment.

"We're going back to my apartment on Candlestick Maker Street," she told him, as they turned onto Meadowwood Avenue. "It's a street that branches off of this one - Meadowwood Avenue. Candlestick Maker is in an area called the residential area. There are other streets there too. Baker, Butcher, and Rub-a-Dub. Candlestick Maker is closest one to us right now. Now, beyond the residential area is the Aternaville Hills are located. They're for the richer people living here."


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