First Day of Work [Complete]

Jul 13, 2006 23:42

Location: Coffee Cafe, C street
Time: Midday
Characters: Lana Lang, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Kyle XY
Public, Private, or Semi-Private: Public
Incomplete or Complete: Incomplete
Rating: PG
Summary: It's Lana's first day of work and therefore, chaos ensues.

Lana bit her lip, tapping her fingers anxiously against the coffee maker she was working with. It was ( Read more... )

archived, wesley wyndam-pryce, kyle xy

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tub_sleeper_xy July 18 2006, 15:55:17 UTC
ooc: AN OPENING! I'M GOING IN!Stumbling around town was taking too long, Kyle thought, he knew he wasn't getting anywhere. He had no idea as to where he was, having just been thrust from the back of a black van that immediately raced off. The boy watched it go before finding himself on his hands and knees, throwing up on the grass in the middle of the park. The water hadn't tasted too good either and now all he was left with was his pale blue shirt covered with vomit, grass stains on his jeans, and absolutely no home with no food and no way to call home. Kyle didn't even know the phone number to the Tragers house, he was lost indefinately ( ... )


smallville_lana July 18 2006, 22:19:36 UTC
After a small conversation, Lana had left the customer she had spilled coffee over to actually do her job. She would have rather stayed to chat a little, but the first day is always one of the most important days when starting a new job, so there she was, filling orders again.

Eventually, there was a small lull when no one was coming in, she noticed someone's eyes on her. Glancing up, Lana saw a boy, close to her age, looking somewhat lost. That's not all that struck her about his appearance; it seemed as if he had vomit on his shirt, along with practically destroyed jeans. Odd, two people with destroyed clothing in the same cafe on her first day.

"Hi," she said, walking over to him. "Would you like something?" She smiled gently at him; her eyes showing real concern.


tub_sleeper_xy July 20 2006, 02:22:28 UTC
Kyle looked at her in the eyes and opened his mouth. Cauciously, he spoke. "I'd like, to go home." He said slowly. Though Kyle had taken in the English language quickly and used it often and in everyday needings, it was still somewhat foreign to him all the same. Really he should have asked for a shirt, that was easier to get rather than his home. For now however, this would suffice and Lana one could be sure, would eventually get to the answer "I can't get you home."


smallville_lana July 20 2006, 17:09:59 UTC
"Home," Lana repeated, nodding her head. "Where is your home? Perhaps on my break I could take you there." She smiled at the lost boy. "For now, how about I get you a cup of coffee? That might be a bit easier. Come with me." With that, Lana led him to an empty table and sat him down. They had attracted some attention, but she decided to ignore the people who were staring at them.

Lana walked off quickly and poured his coffee and brought the cup back to him, all in less than a couple minutes. "Here," she said, sitting across from him and handing him the cup. "Be careful, it's hot."


tub_sleeper_xy July 20 2006, 17:30:44 UTC
Kyle watched Lana go and come back with a smile on his face. She could get him home! This was good, no sensational! Why was it there were always the nice people who picked him up? Well he supposed that was a good thing, he wouldn't want a not so nice person to pick him up instead. That would be bad, like them. Smiling to Lana he nodded as she told him it was hot and he then looked down into the swirling mug of liquid. "This is, coffee?" He asked, his green eyes curious and questioning.


smallville_lana July 20 2006, 18:03:03 UTC
Lana tilted her head at the boy. "Yes, it's coffee. A drink, but a very warm drink." She smiled warmly at him again. He didn't seem all there, but not stupid at all... It was confusing. "I'm Lana," she said gently. "And you are?"

She bit her lip, carefully making sure no other customers needed help. For now, she was lucky. Everyone seemed quite content. "So, where do you live?"


tub_sleeper_xy July 20 2006, 18:12:22 UTC
"Kyle." He said as he looked down into the swirling more and more. Eventually it stopped and Kyle looked back to Lana. "I don't know." The male then told her with an honest face. "I'm not sure where I was." Oh dear lord this boy was too far gone.

ooc: This is be barrels of fun!


smallville_lana July 20 2006, 18:54:30 UTC
"Nice to meet you, Kyle," Lana said after he told her his name. Her eyes widened slightly when he admitted to her that he didn't know where he was from. That could present many, many problems. "You mean you have no idea where your home is?" She realized what he had said, but it hadn't quite processed yet.

((He's so cute!))


tub_sleeper_xy July 20 2006, 18:58:47 UTC
Kyle shook his head, he had no clue. Looking at Lana with his lost eyes, he spoke. "Can you help me anyhow?" He really wanted to go home, but if figured quickly that at this pace it wouldn't be quick and it probably wouldn't be "home". At least not home with the Tragers.


smallville_lana July 20 2006, 23:04:10 UTC
Lana bit her lip. He seemed so lost, and she did want to help him; she just wasn't sure how to get him home since he didn't even know where his home was. "I'll try to. I just don't exactly know how..." She knew she shouldn't make this offer, but she couldn't just let the poor boy wander around town. "Do you want to come stay with me while I help you look for your home?"


tub_sleeper_xy July 21 2006, 13:15:31 UTC
The answer Kyle wanted to say was "yes." If he said yes he would be staying with this nice lady named Lana, and he would have a place to shelter from the elements. However he knew the right answer was to say "no... thank you". If he said no he wouldn't have anywhere to stay nor would he have shelter, but he didn't want to impose. Concidering his options with the small amount of probablility on the side he looked at Lana with a smile and nodded.
"If that's okay." Kyle said slowly, making sure she wanted this. She didn't know who he was or where he was from. Easily he could be a good actor that was a rapist or killer and just waiting in hiding. Luckily Kyle didn't know what a rapist was, nor did he ever want to kill someone.


smallville_lana July 21 2006, 19:13:46 UTC
Lana nodded and smiled encouragingly at Kyle. He was so genuine, and although common sense told her it was best not to invite someone she had just met to stay in her home, her gut was telling her it was the right thing to do. "That's why I offered. Now, I have got to get back to work," she said, noticing a few customers in need of assistance. "But on my break I'll take you to my apartment. Just wait here for me, okay?"


tub_sleeper_xy July 22 2006, 22:40:19 UTC
Kyle smiled broadly at her and nodded. "I'll wait." He said and then looked around the cafe. He still felt dirty, and that every looming smell of vomit on his shirt was rather gross. Was he allowed to take it off? No one had ever told him the rules on all of his clothes. He didn't need one at the pool, why should he need one inside? Again he looked around and when no one was watching lifted his shirt up and off over his head. Wadding it into a ball with the vomit side within, he then tossed it over his shoulder into the garbage pail behind him. He'd seen it on the way into the place, but he didn't look when he threw it. Somehow he had managed to make the shot without needing to see it. It was just one of the many amazing and supernatural things he could do.


smallville_lana July 22 2006, 23:25:37 UTC
Lana looked up while she was pouring some coffee for a customer that had been waiting for awhile. When she heard a shocked gasp, she turned her head to see what all the commotion was about. Then she saw it - Kyle had taken off his shirt. Not that she really blamed the boy; it had been covered in vomit, but now was not the time to take it off. She quickly finished serving the table she was at, set the coffee on the counter, and hurried into the back, where she desperately searched for a shirt. She had done this earlier for the customer she had spilled coffee on simply because she didn't think there were any shirts in the back. Luckily, after searching from awhile, she found a few extra that looked like they were destined to become cleaning rag.

The second she found the shirt Lana hurried outside and gave it to Kyle immediately. "Put this on," she said, somewhat desperately. "Did no one ever tell you that you're not supposed to take off your clothing in public?" she asked, shocked but not angry.


tub_sleeper_xy July 23 2006, 02:19:31 UTC
Kyle looked at the shirt like it was an alien, but seeing her distress he put it on. "No... why?" He asked, again geniune and really wanting to know. Kyle loved learning, it was a benefit to himself and to those around him. As he spoke and looked up to Lana, he took the shirt. His crystal blue eyes gazed at it, then turned it around to put it on correctly, then pulled it over his head and arms. It fit snuggly, almost too small, but he would make do.


smallville_lana July 23 2006, 17:00:43 UTC
"Well, it's... proper," Lana told the boy, feeling slightly awkward about having to explain it. Kyle certainly wasn't normal - perhaps he had amnesia? She didn't know more than the basics about the disease, but she didn't think you lost anything basic, just your memory. "I'll be back in a few minutes," she said, leaving before Kyle got the chance to ask anymore questions.

After Lana was got off for the day, she hurried over to Kyle. "I'm off work for the rest of the day. Are you ready to go?"


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