Babysitting (OPEN THREAD)

Mar 28, 2009 13:14

Who: Moira (and Tamara) and OPEN!
What: Moira attempting to entertain the bebe
When: Now!
Where: the Moira/Clarice/Lulu abode
Rating: Lowish

Tamara didn't cry constantly. That was a good thing. Though, Moira wished she'd known exactly what the poor girl was crying about when she had cried. Lulu taught Moira to change a diaper, so that was one less thing the witch had to worry about. Even using her magick, she couldn't always sense whether Tamara was sleepy, hungry, needed to be changed, or just bored. Babies were hard work!

It was, however, a good thing that Moira was an early riser. If she weren't before, Tamara would have made certain that she was now. Presently, Moira was making Tamara a bottle and trying to decide exactly which baby food to give her. Green smashed things, orange smashed things, yellow smashed things...the only visible difference between them was the color.

Having Niamh bouncing at her feet wasn't helping either. The puppy was definitely jealous of Tamara. Every time Moira picked the baby up or went to do something with her, poor Niamh whined. Lulu tried entertaining the pup, but that only ever worked for a few minutes before Niamh required Moira's company. Even Clarinet Marmalade and Safina were not Proper Company for the puppy to be entertained, which was ironic, because when Tamara was not there, Niamh was perfectly contented to play with the other animals or other people.

Letting out a squeal of impatience, Tamara seemed as if she wanted her bottle now. "Coming, coming, little one," Moira replied, making sure the bottle was the right temperature before scooping up the little girl and letter her drink. Another thing she'd learned was to not wear clothes you are too attached to, or else they will get spit up on them. Or thrown baby food. As it was, Moira was wearing a simple tshirt and jeans.  She'd only had to change once today so far, though the jeans were by no means mess free.

edward pellew, zak adama, !open, moira byrne

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