omg flist help with evil Highlander telemarketers :P

Apr 22, 2011 16:15

Has anyone out there found a way to make Davis Merchandising (the people who make the Highlander series merchandise) stop calling? Every single time they call I tell them to take me off the list, and invariably (sometimes only a couple of days later) they call again.

And since they're using my landline, nowadays they WAKE THE BABY so basically I am ready to stab them with hot knives.

I'm filing a complaint at the FTC but I assume that goes into a giant black hole.

(Seriously, NEVER BUY ANYTHING from the Highlander, Xena, Hercules, "Legendary Heroes", Gladiator, or Alexander mail catalogs. EVER. They will hound you endlessly.) I curse the day I yielded to temptation to get the tapes*! I JUST WANTED TO MAKE SOME VIDS WHYYYY /o\

* yes the last and only thing I ordered from them were VIDEOTAPES, back in the DAWN OF TIME, and they are STILL CALLING ME aaaaugh

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