AO3 SUBSCRIPTIONS OMG and vidders, you seriously must watch this

Apr 02, 2011 13:40

ETA TO ADD: YOU GUYS OMG there are subscriptions on AO3! \o/ please may I suggest a meme of posting your AO3 username in your journal with fandoms you are likely to post in anytime soon for AN ORGY OF SUBSCRIBING OMG:

I'm at
astolat and fandoms in the immediate queue include Adam Lambert RPF, Merlin, Supernatural, and Sherlock! \o/

ETA again: to post this, copy and paste this replacing the three places where YOUR USERNAME appears with, you know, your username and replace YOUR FANDOMS with -- you get the idea:

I'm at USERNAME">favicon" /> USERNAME">YOUR USERNAME and fandoms in the immediate queue include YOUR FANDOMS!


lim linked me to this and it will BLOW YOUR MIND:

Video Copilot after effects tutorial for converting photo into a 3D space

(Actually, even if you aren't a vidder, don't use after effects, don't understand what he is doing, and will never actually make use of this, it is worth looking at just for the WOW moment when VC shows off the results.)

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

ao3, fanfic, vidding, tech

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