vividcon open policy discussion, just a general note

Jul 07, 2010 13:39

The point's been raised in the last post and I do want to remind everyone that, for good or bad, this discussion is NOT OFFICIAL -- the concom (who are really swamped right now making the vidshows and the program and getting ready for the con) are all mostly behind on the discussion and have NOT had a chance to review all the posts and comments here in my LJ, and definitely not more broadly around the net, particularly about the warnings issue. There are many people who have not wanted to participate in public discussion for many different reasons, and I suspect a lot of people have been expressing their feelings privately directly to the concom.

The reality is there are some points on both sides here that cannot be reconciled, and in the end, the concom will have to make a decision that will inevitably make some people unhappy.

And I wanted to say something along those lines that I personally feel really strongly about from personal experience.

Vividcon actually happens to be the private property of one person -- it was mine, I sold it to
elynross, and if one day she sells it to someone else it will be theirs. The con owner takes on significant financial and legal risks to put on the con (and yes, it HAS lost money in previous years, which comes out of the con owner's pocket if it happens). The concom put in huge amounts of sweat equity over the course of each year in making the con happen. The levels of effort which are behind the scenes are NOT comparable to the work of any individual attendee, even VJs or volunteers.

When the con owner and concom make their decision on warnings, whether that decision is anything from "this discussion has achieved an awesome solution that we love" to "we are too busy and want to gather opinions at the con this year before we actually change policy" all the way to "we fundamentally disagree with all of this and will instead be doing something completely different" -- I will personally be fully in support of them and that decision.

I hope that any of you who have been hurt or angered during the discussion remember that journaling is not really a great medium for difficult debates -- we all end up talking in pages and paragraphs instead of give-and-take, and we too often end up thinking more about fortifying our positions instead of meeting in the middle.

And I am going to go to the con and have an awesome time with any and all of you who are coming, regardless of where you have stood in this debate, and I will miss any of you who can't make it. ♥

(if you want to keep talking about warnings, please do so on the other post; general VVC love totally welcome here. :D)

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