PSAs and meme!

Jul 26, 2010 23:36

First I want to suggest in a totally unbiased and disinterested way that all of the awesome artists on my feed should enter this contest because it is going to make an awesome chapbook from which moneys will go to the OTW, and the Del Rey editor-in-chief and art director will be helping judge, so the author (kof, kof) can recuse herself should any of her pals enter. :D :D :D

Also for any of you xposting from Dreamwidth, if you want the "Crossposts: [links to xposts]" bit to show up on your Dreamwidth posts, what you do is:
- go to the Dreamwidth Crossposting Settings (link also available on the posting form)
- click on Change for each account you crosspost to
- check the option to Display cross post links and update.

And I am totally going to brag, there will be actual new fic this week omg! I feel like this merits a pre-announcement given that it has been an appalling amount of time since I managed to post anything. :P It may or may not just be flashfics; I did finish a longer story while out traveling, except it will not quite do what I want, and yet it is close enough that I don't want to just say "okay, fine, story, you win!" and post it, so I am still wrestling! *mutter, grumble*

And finally, because I love reading what people come up with on these, meme!

If you could have me write a fic specifically for you, what would it be like? Fandom, characters/pairing, genre, plot elements, kinks... what's your ideal fic from me?

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

meme, tech

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