Sep 23, 2008 12:57
My mom is getting better, and will likely leave hospital next week. This means that we have about a week to find a place in a senior's home for her. I'm still somewhat in a state of shock, because when we visited her on Sunday, she was a lot more lively, but also a lot more bitchy. She griped about everything, and really treated hospital staff rudely. I don't remember her like that at all, but according to my brother, that's how she has been for a while treating other people. Makes me sad. What's happened to my sweet and caring mother?
After hospital, we went to her apartment, cleaned up a bit and stowed Jenny away. It was good that my brother had sturdy gloves Cinna was able to use, to catch the poor cat. She had been home alone all through the hospital stay, and it's left its mark on her. She pooped in corners and such. The whole Dortmund stay took a lot longer than expected, so we raced back home (we were an hour late for our own WoW raid, haha). Since then Jenny has been staying in the bathroom, behind the sink cabinet. Yesterday she warmed up to us a bit, mostly Cinna, who patiently talked to her for a long time. She ate a bit, used the litter box, good stuff.
Today, she had to be moved to the kitchen, as we got a new washer delivered. She's been hiding behind the fridge, but when I come in, she comes out immediately. She actually was out exploring the last time I got to the kitchen. Our other kitties are confused by all the closed doors. Earlier, I gave her some tuna, which she apparently never had in her life. My mom got her as a kitten, she's 2 years tops, and my mom never left the house and only fed her Whiskas. Then I went to get the boys some tuna, and Merlin made a mad dash for the kitchen. Instead of freaking out about her, he immediately went for the tuna and completely ignored her. Jenny on the other hand got totally excited, mewed pitifully and tried to follow me and Merlin into the livingroom. I guess she is interested in other cats, who knew? We are planning a Merlin-Jenny official intro tonight. Not with Luigi though, he really doesn't like other cats and is way too jealous. He'll have to wait a bit longer.
Will post photos soon. I never really wanted more than two cats, but she is really very cute. Especially now that she stopped clawing and hissing at us.