Am I remembering the story correctly where God took Elijah up to Heaven and gave him a tour Divine Comedy style? I can almost swear he did but since I am an athiest and haven't read any of the bible in at least ten years, I am confused. This info is for a story I'm planning to write.
You wake up in Wonderland, or wherever Fairy Tales exist. There's a little old lady in front of you full of advice and tells you what you should do. Poll Fary TalesBonus Points: Which Fairy Tale would you like to be stuck in?
I'm a huge fan of urban legends. What are some of your favorites or ones that just freak you out? The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs ( sends chills down my spine.
Did you believe in the Tooth Fairy? How much did the Tooth Fairy leave you in return for your teeth? The girl in this film gets a dollar. I used to always get £1 for each tooth, which was a pretty sweet deal!
Also, bonus question: whyyy am I finding myself strangely attracted to Stephen Merchant in this film?