joospjos wrote in
Jun 08, 2012 19:17
What happens if I leave a unopened box of milk in my fridge for two months?
I forgot to throw it out before leaving my flat for the summer...
Edited to add: I'm not going to drink it! I'm more worried it will explode all over my fridge.
drinks & food,
agentronster468 wrote in
Apr 09, 2012 19:17
How would anyone go about quitting an unappealing habit of pealing the skin off the insides of your lips with your teeth? I experience a nice time period where I refrain from doing it, but afterwards I randomly catch myself doing it again. I've been doing this since I was about 7 or 8 years old (I'm 19 now). Any ideas from anyone? =/
bonzifan wrote in
Mar 08, 2012 22:59
if you found one of your own pubic hairs in food you'd cooked for yourself, how disgusted would you be?
what about if you only found it when it was in your mouth?
drinks & food,