(no subject)

Aug 03, 2012 12:01

Casual appraisal of Ryan Lochte makes me think he's a grade-A douchebro.

I sort of thought it was odd that his mom would tell the press that he has a lot of one-night stands, but I figured a) maybe she just meant dates or b) maybe she's aware of casual sex and one-night stands generally and assumes that if her son's into that, as long as it's consensual, she doesn't pass judgment.

Whatever. That didn't really change my opinion of him, which was based on interviews he has done.

But this Yahoo article just irks me.

Indeed, the fact that Ike Lochte also has two daughters made the initial comments even more perplexing, or perhaps flippant. In turn, that additional contextual Lochte family knowledge could almost make Ike Lochte seem even more detached from how one-night stands are viewed by the rest of the general public.

The emphasis is mine.

The implication is that obviously the general public looks down on one-night stands. I would like the author to explain for me: how exactly did they come to that conclusion? Is it based on a poll? Gender or age of that general public? Social conservatives or a broad group? Because AFAIK opinion's pretty variable on that subject, and didn't realize there was a general view on one-night stands.

Related: does the author think that her daughters, if they are sexually active, don't or haven't had one-night stands? That because they're female then obviously Lochte's mom must disapprove of them having one-nighters even if her son does the same with impunity? There's a correlation here that I just don't understand or like.

Also, Mr. Lochte? Calling your mom oblivious really doesn't help overcome the douchebag aura.

what was i saying again?

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