unedited comment fic

Aug 04, 2012 15:25

Because I scribbled out some porn, but it might actually require a little bit of context, which was originally blurted out in comment fic over at impertinence's journal.

Seriously. Not edited. Not even in chronological order, really.

Jess doesn't want any drama. Okay, that's not really accurate: Jess doesn't want any more drama than she already generates just from having two X chromosomes and a great slapshot. She thinks the NHL has enough of that with Tyler hooking up with Marchy. Seriously, she loves Segs, has done since they became forced roommates, but what the everloving fuck is she thinking? As far as Jess is concerned, anyone in her own locker room is off limits. She's not looking to date someone - who has time for that during the season - and it's fucking work to get dressed and polished up to go out for a hook-up when she's got a morning skate or publicity to deal with early the next day, so. Yeah. This is maybe the best summer Jess has had in a long time. Training's going well, and having this no-strings thing with PK is most definitely a bonus.

The thing is, Jess genuinely likes PK. They knew each other the way most players in the same league ~know each other before she was drafted, but she didn't really talk to him until the 2011 ASG. Rookie bonding and all that, but she knows flirting even when she's treated to it in an over the top, kidding except for really not sort of way.

She thought it was hilarious when he squeezed his way into her sweater. The tight comment, afterward? That was an invitation and a challenge.

Totally accepted.

She's used to his sense of humor and his blindingly bright grin, to how much he loves and talks about his family and his team (it's the Habs, their fans/media are the worst, but she understands loyalty; she's just not sure the Habs management has earned his yet), and she's totally hitting that, so she is absolutely accustomed to how hot PK is. She lifts weights right along side of him every other morning.


Mostly Jess likes training with PK. Not just for the obvious reasons - although she won't lie - PK's hot when he's focused and sweaty - but because even she doesn't need Gary's attention devoted solely to her. Actually, she's not sure he'd've taken her as a client if Stammer hadn't suggested it last year, but whatever. He's old school, and she spends the season dealing with assholes who think hockey should be another old-boys club. As long as he gets her back where she was last October, she can deal.

But yeah. Mostly. Sometimes PK is so fucking easily distracted. When he starts talking about Cabbie's show she basically tunes out, thinking he's going to bring up the twitter thing with Lucic's girlfriend again.

In any case, she wasn't paying that much attention when he talked about his next adventures with Cabbie, because a) she's not going to take any extra days off - she's already off-schedule because of her sister's wedding events , and b) whenever PK and Cabbie get together they act like twelve-year-olds. Which, Jess can admit that after years in locker rooms, her humor's not much more high-brow, but she can only imagine what the proximity to animals and their waste will bring to Cabbie's.

They each have their own apartment, and this thing they do is casual, but one morning she wakes up at his place to way too bright sunshine, and curses for sleeping through her alarm. She rolls out of bed - fuck PK for leaving her to sleep when he got up - and gropes around on the floor for yesterday's discarded jeans. She tugs on some Under Armor - definitely PK's, given how it drapes so ridiculously over her collarbones, but her t-shirt is MIA - and heading to the kitchen, where PK is--

"What the fuck are you wearing? And why didn't you wake me up?"

"Sleeping in one day won't kill you, Skinner. And this?" He waves up and down his torso. Even given the button-down khaki, it's a nice chest. "It's the latest in zoo-keeper couture."


"Cabbie found an extra set if you want in."

There isn't enough coffee in the world to deal with this.


It's not that Jess is a morning person per se, but she likes to do all her heavy lifting and sweating earlier in the day rather than later, so when she sees the options that the FI is offering, she lobbies for the morning session.

She's pretty sure that PK argues for the afternoon session just to be a dick.

They bicker about it for a couple of days, but she wants to have everything planned before she leaves for Worlds, and she's not above cheating.

It's not even really cheating; Jess just knows PK's weak spots, and she's not above using them to her advantage. They're wrestling over the remote one afternoon after spending a couple of hours playing street hockey with Malcolm and his friends--

"What the fuck, Subban, the Flyers game is about to start."

"C'mon, Jess, the Jays are playing. Aren't you ready for a break from hockey?"

Jess is NEVER ready for a break from hockey. She's disappointed they're not in the playoffs this year, but unlike some players, she watches all the way through the Cup.

"Nope. Gimme."

He holds the remote over his head. "What'll you give me for it?"

She elbows him, not gently, but then she climbs into his lap. She smiles, just enough for her dimples to appear, and leans close to whisper, "I think the question is..." She can feel him relax beneath her, and her smile widens, "what'll you give me?" and she snatches the remote from his loosened grip.

From then on it's a free for all. PK isn't much taller than Jess, but he's about 30 pounds heavier, and it's all muscle, so she has to use all her flexibility to keep from immediately being pinned. It happens eventually, and Jess is not a graceful loser. When PK lets her up, she tosses the remote at him, and suggests the winner of best of three gets to finalize their training plans.

He agrees. Why wouldn't he? Oh, right, because he doesn't realize how determined Jess can be when she wants something.

He should know better.

She has him pinned before the words are even out of his mouth.

Jess struggles to beat him after that. PK has Jess's wrists tight in one hand -- he knows that's a distraction, fuck him for playing just as dirty as she does -- and he's grinning down at her in triumph when she lifts one thigh over his hip, braces her other foot, and bucks sharply enough to flip them over.

"Ready to concede?"

"I'm not falling for that a second time, Skinner." He bucks upward, but Jess has her knees planted next to his hips and the points of her elbows against his collarbones, and she doesn't budge until he is still beneath her, tapped out. Then she lets her weight settle, sliding her hips and knees down as she promises, "I'll make it worth your efforts."

And Jess hates carpet burn, really she does, but she likes the way PK winds his fingers into her hair and tugs when she's blowing him, and the way he flips her onto her back and doesn't even bother getting her jeans off, just wrestles them and her panties out of his way to get her off, swift and just a little bit rough, which is really all she needs sometimes.


Jess's place in Toronto is actually a semi-furnished apartment in Scarborough. She signed a six-month lease, which is actually more time than she needs, but she can deal. She bought in a condo in University Park in Raleigh last October, and she could do that here, but that seems like a waste. Her parents also wouldn't mind if she stayed with them - Jilly's the only one at home in the summer now - but Jess did that last summer, and it was just awkward. She's gotten used to having her own space.

Jess gave Andrea her extra key when she signed the lease: for emergency lockouts (been there, done that, hated waiting for the locksmith and all the attendant inconvenience) and to water the potted African violets their mom gave Jess as a house-warming gift while she's gone at Worlds. Honestly, Jess doesn't know why her mom bothers; even if she were interested in plants, she's got a black thumb. As it is, even once she's back from Finland, she busy with training and all of Andrea's wedding crap.

In any case, the point: Andrea has a key. Jess forgets that minor detail when she begs off yet another bridesmaid bonding activity. Jess doesn't want a facial or manicure - she likes her calluses, and even though she doesn't bite her nails anymore, they're cut nearly to the quick; she also isn't interested in drinking a fuckton of fruity alcoholic drinks and making nice with dudes who think bachelorette party members automatically equal easy; she feels uncomfortable in a room full of women talking about dresses and place settings and other irrelevancies, gossiping about people she doesn't know or hasn't seen in years.


Mostly because PK's still sprawled over her, still inside her, when she hears the lock tumblers clicking. She arches upward, tipping her head back over the arm of the sofa so she can see the door swing open.

Andrea's already mid-rant before she looks up. She stutters to a halt, and Jess has a moment of amusement - she's never seen Andrea at a loss for words before. Then PK pulls out fast enough that Jess groans. He rolls to the floor, grabs his shorts, and retreats to the bathroom. Jess sits up, cranky that the pleasant euphoria of really good sex has already evaporated.

"Hi, Andrea. Come on in. No, of course you aren't interrupting anything."

"Did you skip the bridal shower thrown by my future mother-in-law for a booty call?"

"No, I skipped because I'm tired, and I've already attended every other fucking thing you've asked of me."

The disbelief on Andrea's face speaks for itself, but Jess came by her temper honestly, so she knows she needs to cut this off before it devolves into a truly epic argument. Unfortunately, that's when PK re-appears, now fully dressed.

He hesitates, then, "I'll meet you at the gym tomorrow morning, Jess?"

"Eight am." She nods and waves him out.

"Was that PK?"

It is amazing how much disapproval Andrea can convey in three words. Jess doesn't respond, because the question was obviously rhetorical.

"What are you thinking, Jess? He plays in the NHL!"

If she wants to start with the obvious...

"PK plays hockey? Crazy. I never would've guessed."


"Andrea. It's none of your business."

"But Jess. Do you think it'll be okay That he won't talk? What happens when you play each other?"

"We deal with. Have dealt with it."

"You-- oh, fuck, that cluster last year. And you're still doing it?"

Suddenly Jess is so tired. And cold, because of course she's having this discussion naked, on her sofa. What is her life?

"Players talk shit. Sometimes it comes from people I played or was friends with at Kitchener. At least when it comes from PK, I know that what happens on the ice is finished when we leave the rink."

"Jess, honey..."

Jess is just not interested. Andrea fights her own battles, and she played hockey too, but being on a women's team in college is not at all the same thing as putting on pads and playing in the NHL every day for 82 games.

"Andrea, don't, okay?"

Clearly she still wants to argue, but whatever she reads in Jess's expression mutes her.

"Okay. So. PK. Seems like a good guy, even if he ran away."

"He picks his battles. And he's seen me in a rage, so he knows better than to rile a Skinner."

"You've been together a while?"

Someone's got the wrong idea.

"We're not dating. It not like that."

"You hooked up with him over a year ago. How is it 'not like that'? Are you bringing him to the wedding? You never told me if you needed a plus one."

"NO. No, I am not bringing PK. I am not bringing anyone as a date to your wedding. Jesus, I'd never hear the end of it."

"We just want you to be happy."

"I am happy."

"Alright, then."

Jess is surprised she gives in that easily. But Andrea could give lessons in sneaky, and Jess doesn't know how she manages it, but the following Monday, when she picks PK up on the way to the gym, he waves an embossed envelope Jess recognizes.

"Do I need to find an actual date, or can I hang with you?"

Jess is going to kill Andrea.

She tells him to decline the invitation completely, but that's like waving a red flag in front of a bull. In the end, it's easier to take him as her plus-one and deal with all the side-eyes from pretty much everyone.

But on the plus side: PK looks really attractive in formal wear. And you're practically obliged to have ill-advised hook-ups after events like that, right? So no one should be surprised when she and PK sneak out of the hotel's ballroom and up to her room for a quickie between the photo session and the actual reception.

(PK has a thing for strappy, spiky heels and stockings, it turns out. She'll keep that in mind. Just you know, for future reference.)

Jess fixes her hair and make-up, and her dress is mostly unwrinkled, so she's not sure what gives them away when they rejoin the rest of the wedding party. She just smirks when Andrea gives her the stink-eye, and grabs a couple of glasses of champagne from a passing waiter, handing one off to PK. Whatever - it was Andrea's idea, she can deal with the results.


Fast forward to mid-August, when PK returns from Montreal and Carey finally accepts his invitation to visit.

The more structured part of their summer training is done, but he still meets Jess at the gym most mornings, and he drags Carey along. (Well, okay, he was going to use Pricey's presence as a reason to skip a day, but Carey prods him into checking to see if he can use a guest pass for a couple of days.)

Jess doesn't know Carey very well. She wouldn't be surprised if he held a grudge for goals scored against him, but he's polite enough. It's weird to watch them interact. Mostly it seems like PK talks and Carey shoots him down with the occasional insult, but they move around each other easily.

Jess pauses in her biceps curls to watch as PK moves into position to spot Carey at the bench press, because damn.

She trashtalks PK throughout the morning, giving him grief about the Broussard games, hip-checking him out of her way to refill her water-bottle. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Definitely nothing to cause the reaction she overhears later.

"What the hell are you doing twitter-flirting with Kayla when you're fucking Jess Skinner?" There's more annoyance in Price's voice than she'd expect, but she doesn't know him well enough to parse it correctly.

"Pricey, man, Kayla knows I'm not serious."

"Does Jess?"

Jess thinks it's hilaramazing that this guy she barely knows is acting all offended on her behalf, but beyond that... well, she's seen the twitpics of Kayla. The Price family has some seriously excellent genes. If she was into chicks, she'd hit that, too.

(I have not worked out the how in my head just yet, but somehow I think before Carey heads back to BC there is a smoking hot threesome in his future.)

Right. So now I just have to transcribe and fill-in the stuff I wrote out long-hand. And send it to Tabby to correct my mistakes.

my brain, i have no excuse, commentfic, rpf, so many facepalms

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